Chapter 32

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"Y/N! You're back!" (Venti)

"Yeah. Ow! Don't hug me so tight!" (You) 

"Oh sorry, does it still hurt?" (Venti) 

"A little. It's all closed up now, but it's still a little sore." (You) 

"Oh. I'll help you to your class!" Venti tried to pick you up. 

"Ahh! Stop! It's not my legs that hurt! I can walk! You'll just end up getting hurt!" (You) 

"Yeah Venti, Calm down." (Kazuha) 

"Kazu! My savior!" (You)

"Hi Y/N." (Kazuha) 

"Oh yeah. I need to talk to you about something. Can we head somewhere private?" (You) 

"Sure." (Kazuha) 

"I'll see you later Venti!" (You) 

"Bye!" (Venti) 

You and Kazuha walked into that one abandoned classroom. 

"How are you?" (Kazuha) 

"Fine. How about you?" (You) 

"I'm doing okay."

"Yeah... That's good..." 

"What do you have to ask me Y/N?" 

"It's just... Do you..." 

"It's alright. Just ask me. I won't judge you." 

"Has... Has Kuni been at school the past few days?" 

"Oh. You're worried about him aren't you?" 

"Yeah. He blocked me so I can't get to him. It's the same as what happened when he got into that fight." 

"To be honest, I'm worried about him too. He comes to school. But-" 

"But what?" 

"He's here, but he skips all of his classes. Just goes to the class long enough so the teacher thinks he's there then he slips out." 


"You're not surprised?" 

"I'm surprised he's even going to school in the first place." 


"Yeah. It's actually really impressive that he bothered to make it look like he was in class." 

"What happened?" 

"I don't know. I think it's trauma or stress. But how should I know? I haven't talked to him for over a week now." 


"Yeah. Well thanks for letting me know. I should get going now." 

"Bye Y/N." 

"Bye." You sighed. 

Your classes passed with a blur of information. After the first few classes, you weren't paying attention at all. 

"Oh. Schools over." You walked to your dorm and sat down. 

3:00 pm

You sat there for a while longer and glanced at the clock again. 

Since when was it 5 pm?

Was I staring at the wall for two hours?

I'm not doing homework. Since it's already 5, let me stay like this a while longer. 

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