Chapter 16

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The next day, you woke up in the practice room at 5 am. 


It's Monday.


I have to go kick everyone out of my dorm now.

When you got to your dorm, it was empty... And clean? There was a note on the couch. 

Hey Y/N! 

I somehow managed to get everyone to leave and cleaned your dorm. Everyone had a great time so yeah.... Nothing's destroyed or stolen or anything like that. I took care of everything so don't worry. Everyone's meeting up today at lunch. See you then?


"Thank the Archons for Lumi." You quickly got ready for school. 



Where are we meeting up?


The tree.


Kay! Cu then!

Liked by Lumi❤️


You slipped your phone in your bag and headed to class. 

Soon enough, the bell rang for lunch. 

You headed to the tree. 

Basically that one tree that's always used as a meet up spot for your friends. 

When you saw everyone else there, you ran. 

"Lumi! Thanks soooo much for yesterday!"(You) 

"It's fine really." (Lumi) 

"No seriously. I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you! I don't know how things escalated that quickly!" (You)

"Seriously. I don't even know how they had an entire Dj." (Kuki) 

Everyone began talking and you relaxed. Everything was back to how it used to be before the breakup. Something felt off though. You looked around and saw Albedo motioning to you. 

"Be right back guys." You quickly got up and walked towards Albedo. 

"Y/N, in here." He motioned you inside an empty classroom. 

"What is it Bedo?" 

"There are some rumors going around." 

"There's rumors about me everywhere." 

"These are different." 


"Apparently you're seducing people to become more powerful and rich. This can ruin your entire reputation Y/N. This can ruin your friends and family too." 

"What?! Who spread this rumor now? How did things escalate this quickly?" 

"People noticed you weren't at the party in your dorm." You sighed. 

"That's why I've been getting weird looks." 

"Yes. I thought I should be the one to tell you." 

"What should I do Bedo?" 

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