Chapter 19

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Shogun POV

"Kunikuzushi. Will this be the final thing that I take away? Will this be the final loss that breaks you?" 

End of Shogun POV

A week after you met with Raiden Shogun...

"Mom, I'm going to school today. I already settled it with the school." 

"You sure you'll be alright?" 


"Call me if you need anything. Have a nice day!" 

You hopped on a bus and headed to school. 

When you arrived, you quickly dropped your stuff off at your dorm and went to meet up with your friends... Or, more specifically, find your friends. You looked around campus until you finally located them at the tree. 

"Hey guys!" 


"Wtf? Y/N? When'd you get back?" 

"How did you manage to get rid of the rumors?" 

"They were stopped in just a day?" 

"Why didn't you tell us?" 

"Guys calm down. I'd rather not talk about that. So what happened while I was gone? Anything interesting?" While your friends brought you up to date on everything that happened, you realized that you needed to tell Kuni that you met his sister. 

"Oh that's the bell. See you all at lunch!" You ran off to your first class. 

Class after class passed until it was the end of the day. You walked to your dorm and collapsed on the bed. You were relieved that there were no whispers, no strange looks following you throughout the day. 

How do I tell Kuni? 

Should I try to text him? 

Even though I'm blocked...

You pulled out your phone. 




I met your sister. 



You gasped. 

I'm not blocked???






A week ago.


Why didn't you tell me? 


Why do you think? 

I just wanted to let you know.


You tossed your phone on the bed. 

Why did it seem like he cared? 

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