Chapter 7

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"Scara." You sobbed. 

"My given name is Kunikuzushi." You were shocked by the truth he had gifted you. 

"All your friends except for Xiao had more than one name, so I was waiting for you to tell me yours." You attempted to lighten the mood with a joke, but then you started sobbing again. 

"It's alright. Cry. I'm here." He just sat with you. 

"Thank you Kuni." 

The two of you sat there until you calmed down. 

"Do you want to skip class?" 

"Alright." You were too tired to argue, and you had your next period to write songs. He brought you to his dorm. 

You sat down on his couch and he sat down next to you. 

"Are you feeling better?" 

"A little." 

"That song was amazing." 

"6reeze doesn't sing songs like that though, so I just keep the sad songs I write." 

"I didn't know you were such a great singer." 

"I'm not as good as you... Or anyone else." 

"You just refuse to acknowledge your own talent." 

"Thank you Kuni." He looked at you and smiled. 

"Rest. I'll be here when you wake up." You closed your eyes and soon dozed off with your head on his shoulder.

Scara's POV

I looked at her sleeping figure and smiled grimly.

Whoever had hurt her had hurt her badly. 

I couldn't stop her from cutting off ties with everyone she was friends with, but I could be there for her. I could help her through those times. 

My phone buzzed and I opened it. 



Do you know where Y/N is? 


Ask her yourself. 


She won't reply. 



She's in my dorm. 





Why do you care though?

You're her brother, but she basically stopped talking to everyone but me. 

Whatever you did, it hurt her badly. 

She has trust issues now.


Well so basically 


Don't tell me. 

I want her to. 

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