Chapter 21

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"Hello Y/N." 

"Raiden Shogun???!!!" You backed away. 

"Oh, I'm not her. She really does look a lot like me though, doesn't she?" 

"How can I trust you?" 

"I don't know." You sighed. 

"Seriously? Fine. Who are you?" 

"I'm Kunikuzushi's mother. You can call me Ei." 

"WHAT?!!!?!?!" Passerbys turned to look at you and you flushed out of embarrassment. 

"Let's talk somewhere quieter." 

"Uhhh, your daughter, if you're really his mom, wanted me to go with her too..." 

"Trust me." 

"Uh how about no?" 

"How do I put this...."


"Basically, me and my daughter look exactly the same so there's really no way to differentiate except by our personalities or our family." 

"How does that help?" 

"I guess it doesn't." You sighed. 

"Wow. You're really different from the shogun." 

"See? I told you that was one of the only ways to tell us apart." 

"Fine. Let's go talk somewhere private." 

"Alright. Let's go!" 


She's very chipper. 

Like the opposite of her kids. 

The two of you soon ended up at Lisa's store. 

"Lisa? Do you know this entire family?" 

"Uhhh Yes?" 


"You better get going now." She shooed you into the room that Kuni's mom had entered a few moments before. 

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Kunikuzushi called me. According to Miko he seemed very worried for you." 

"Who's Miko?" 

"My girlfriend." 

"Oh. Why would he call you though? As far as I know, the two of you don't have a good relationship." 

"Exactly. He would never call me unless he was very concerned. He seems to really care about you. I never thought he would care about anyone else after-" 

"Please stop. I don't want to know."

"Alright then. I can see why he likes you." 

"He doesn't." You quickly denied it as color rose on your cheeks. 

"You sure?" 


"Huh. Anyways, I came here too meet you. She's my daughter, so I have to control her don't I? Yet- It's like she's slipped out of my grasp." She sighed, and a moment of silence ensued. She was lost in her memories, and you.... You were trying to cool down the blush that had randomly appeared. 

"Are you alright?" You decided to break the silence that had continued for a few moments when you realized there were tears sliding down Ei's face.

"Oh. Sorry about that." She quickly wiped away her tears and gave you a smile that was obviously forced. 

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