Chapter 8

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The next day at lunch, you were headed to the practice room to meet Kuni when you heard some yelling. 


"Who is it?" 

"It's Y/N's ex and Y/N's boyfriend!" 

"I still don't get why she left Albedo for the emo. Like Albedo's so hot!" 


Kuni and Albedo are fighting?

You pushed through the crowd just in time to see Kuni punch Albedo. 

"Kuni? What's going on?" When he looked at you, he seemed shocked. 


"Scaramouche! Albedo! Both of you to the principal's office right this instant!" A teacher dragged both of the boys away, and you were left staring helplessly in their direction. 


What was that?

When your shock dissipated, you hurried to the principal's office just in time to see the two boys leave the office. 

"Kuni!" You rushed towards him but he pushed you away. "Kuni? What's wrong?" He didn't say anything, but he kept walking. "Kuni! Just tell me what happened!" 

"It's none of your business Y/N." 

"It's none of my business? The day after I tell you about my ex, I see you getting into a fight with him. Of course it's my business!" 

"Just stay away from me." He pushed past you again. 

"Just tell me what's wrong!" he just ignored you and kept walking "Kuni please!" You moved to chase after him, but someone blocked you. 

"Y/N just calm down." Xiao. The rest of your old friend group was behind him. 

"Let go of me!" You struggled to get out of his grip, but he held tight. "Xiao! Let me go!" He started dragging you in the opposite direction. When you finally managed to get out of the hold he had on you, Kuni was long gone. 

"Y/N it's hopeless, just let him be." Lumi. 

"I hate you all!" You managed to say through gritted teeth. "You all knew! You all knew yet you didn't tell me! You didn't stop Mona. I thought you were all my friends! I trusted you all yet-" You turned and ran, tears streaming down your cheeks. 

"Y/N wait." A new voice joined the group. you stopped in your tracks, but didn't turn around. 

"What do you want Albedo?" 

"Just give me a chance to explain-" 

"Did you give me a chance? After I called you and asked to break up. You didn't even let me finish. So why should I?" You started walking away. A hand grabbed your wrist. You finally turned around. 

"Will you give me a chance to explain?" 

"Fine." You grabbed Kazuha's hand and dragged him into an empty classroom. Before anyone else could come inside, you locked the door then turned to face him. "You have a minute."

"We didn't want to hurt you Y/N. We knew yes, but we all thought those were just rumors. We didn't want to ruin your relationship because of some rumors. We didn't want to break your heart." 

"You still didn't tell me. It would have been better than hearing it from his own mouth." 

"We're all sorry Y/N." 

"I just need time Kazu. I'll be in the practice room tomorrow at lunch. The others can speak with me there. I just need.... some time alone right now." He nodded and left the classroom. 

To avoid running into the others or Albedo in the hallway, you left through the window and started walking. Anywhere you go, you'd find something that reminded you of someone you didn't want to think of right now. Better to find someplace new. 

Eventually, you ended up in front of a library + cat cafe. You walked inside because well...

Who doesn't love cats? 

And reading was your comfort when you were sad. 

When you entered, you were met with a brunette woman behind a counter who looked a little mischievous. 

"Hello, you must be Y/N." 

"How do you know my name?" 

"Well this guy named Kunikuzushi told his mother who told her girlfriend who told me about you." 

"You know Kuni's mom's girlfriend?" 

"He told you his real name? My, the two of you are closer than I expected." 

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Lisa dear. I'm the librarian." She winked. 

"You do not seem like a librarian." 

"How close are the two of you anyway?" She leaned against the counter towards you. She looked like she was looking for gossip. 

"I don't know anymore." She raised her eyebrows at your dejected face. 

"Ohhh, the two of you had a fight? About what? Another girl?" You realized what she was implying and blushed shaking your hands in front of you. 

"No! We're not like that! There are rumors that we're dating but that's not true I promise! We're just friends!" 

"Your flustered face tells otherwise." She smirked as you flushed even more "Alright I'll stop teasing. So, what're you here for?" 

"A book?" 

"What genre?" 


"Hmmmm do you want it sweet or spicy?" You flushed again. 

"I want like a fantasy romance. Like romance with a subplot?" You explained hurriedly. 

"Hmmmm. Oh! I have just the thing. This way-" She led you to a shelf. 

"Thank you." you smiled at her. 

"Would you like me to call a cat over as well?" 

"You can do that?" She nodded and you grinned excitedly "Then yes please!"

She whistled and soon enough, a bunch of cats entered the lounge area where you had plopped down. 

"Well, enjoy! What time would you like me to inform you to leave?" 

"Huh?" At your confused expression she giggled. 

"You're so cute. A lot of our customers happen to lose track to time, so we tend to tell customers what time it is when they have to leave." 

"Let me know at 5 then?" 

"Alright. See you at 5." She grinned at you and left. 

Petting the cats that came up to you, you started reading. 

"Sweetie! It's 5!" Lisa came up to you and you put down your book. 

"Oh it is? Time went by so quickly." You gathered your stuff and got up. 

"Did you want to take that book home?" 

"Can you just keep it for me ad make sure nobody else takes it? I want to save it for the next time I come here." 

"Of course cutie!" 

"Okay then. Bye!" You walked out the door and towards the school. The time you took to read and think to yourself had helped a lot. 

Do I forgive them? 


What about-

Don't think about him.

You smiled, yet it didn't reach your eyes. 

Sighing, you walked to your dorm. 

I miss him.

A/N: half angst half filler chapter lol I love the idea of a library + cat cafe lol. I'm sorry if you don't like romance.... It's just my favorite genre. Just put whatever genre you like really. Idk. Hope you enjoyed?

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