Chapter 14

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You woke up to your phone ringing. 


"Y/N! Where are you?!" 


"Where tf are you?" 

"I'm..."You looked around "IN BEDO'S DORM???!!!!?!" 

"WHAT?" You quickly hung up. 


"Yeah?" Albedo came around the corner. 

"Why am I here?" 

"You fell asleep." 

"Right..." You fell silent as the events from yesterday came flooding back. "Ugh. I'm so hungry." 

"I prepared breakfast." You just nodded. Walking slowly to the kitchen, you quickly ate. 

"Oh that's much better. Thanks Bedo!" 

"Your quick mood changes were always curious to me." 

"I just get grumpy when I'm hungry...." 

"And when you eat you're so energetic." 

"Because I'm not grumpy anymore." 


"Enough of that. Bedo, since it's Saturday, do you want to go see Klee? Qiqi and Klee can play together." 


"Kay then. Meet me at the parking lot in a hour!" You quickly rushed to get ready. When you opened the door to your dorm, you were faced with a scowling Xiao. 

"You spent the night in his room?"

"Leave me alone Xiao!" 

"Why were you in your ex's dorm?" 

"I'm going somewhere after this! Just let me get ready!" You pushed passed him and went to take a shower. When you finished getting ready, you were faced with a problem. 

Xiao was standing in front of your door. 


"Where are you going?" 

"You're holding me hostage in my dorm?" 

"Tell me where you're going." 

"Why are you so overprotective? I can take care of myself Xiao." You tried to push past him, but he wouldn't budge. "Move!" 


"Do you want me to climb out the window?" 

"Just tell me where you're going!" 

"Archons you're annoying! Just move!" You punched him lightly. 

"Just tell me!" 

"I'm going to go visit Qiqi!" A half truth. 

"Then why wouldn't you tell me?" He did move aside though. You rushed past him and ran away. 

"Lock up my dorm!" You called while running. You made it to the parking lot where Bedo was waiting. 

"Y/N what took you so long?" 

"Angry scary overprotective brother chasing me. Let's go." You quickly entered his car and sat down, panting. 

"Why is Xiao chasing you?" He asked while he drove out of the parking lot. 

"Because I wouldn't tell him where I was going. He was like guarding the door so I couldn't get out." 

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