Chapter 12

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Kuni? I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with you today. 

I wasn't feeling well. How was your first day back?


I told you to stay away from me Y/N. 

BFFL❤️ has blocked you



message not sent


You threw your phone on the couch and ran to your bed. 

It wasn't because he was upset. 

He was being serious. 

What did Albedo say to him?

What happened during that fight? 

Or maybe...

He just doesn't like me anymore.

You smiled sadly. 

I'm not loveable anyway.


I should still find out what happened.

Should I ask Heizou? 


Albedo kept trying to contact me.....

Should I ask him?

Is that really a good idea though? 

You sighed. The thoughts running through your head were making you tired. Or maybe that was because it was 1 am. 

I better sleep.

I'll think about it in the morning. 

In the morning: 

"I'm too tired. I don't want to do anything!" You whined. 

You placed a hand on your forehead. 

It seems hotter than usual...

Eh, I'm probably just overthinking. 

Though... I don't want to go to school. 


Who should I invite to skip school with me? 

Let me just ask Albedo. 

I have to talk to him anyways. 

You picked up your phone and called Albedo. 

You had deleted his contact, but you had memorized his number. 


"Hey. We need to talk. Do you want to skip with me?" 

"Uhhh sure. But why all of a sudden? Two days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me." 

"I'll tell you later. Meet me in front of the school in an hour." You hung up and rushed to get ready. You didn't need to dress nicely. It was better to be comfortable. He was your Ex after all. You didn't really want or need to impress him. 

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