Chapter 33

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"You're dating Albedo again??!!?!!"  

"Y/N what are you thinking?!"  

"Are you alright Y/N?"

"Do you need me and Xiao to kill him for you?" 

"When did I agree to-"

The exclamations of your friends surrounded you.

"Stop." (You) 


"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry about me. Now I have to go. Bedo's waiting for me." You stood up and brushed off your pants. 

Walking away, you heard them talk amongst themselves.

"At least she seems better now." 

If only they knew...

Scara POV

My phone beeped from the other side of the room. I sighed and got up from where I was standing. 




We need to talk.




I'll come to where you are.


I stood up and opened the door to my dorm. Kazuha walked in. 

"How long are you going to continue this?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"This moping thing you're doing. Y/N snapped out of it quicker than you." 


"I've been your only connection to the outside world. Without me, you wouldn't even know if Y/N died." 

"What are you trying to say?" 

"I have information for you. But you... I'm not sure you deserve it." 

"Do I need it?" 

"It's about Y/N." 


"Fine then. I'll leave if you don't need to know." 

"What about Y/N?" 

"So you do want to know." 

"Quit playing around and tell me." 

"If you tell me why you're doing this. Your sister is in prison so why are you avoiding Y/N? There's no reason to right?" 


"I'm not telling you if you don't tell me." 

"She probably hates me now. I got pis#ed and lashed out. I think the idea of being so close to Raiden..."

"I see. And now you feel guilty. Think it's all your fault that she got injured." 


"You idiot. You need to stop this! You pushed her way to far. She's been wallowing and wasting away in her room until a day ago!" 

"I know. But how'd she snap out of it?" He sighed. 

"I think she lost her mind. I don't think she's recovered yet." 

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