Chapter 20

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"Going back to normal life is harder than I expected." You sighed. You were at the cliff, staring out at the ocean. 

You had tried to act like everything was fine. But just because the rumors were gone didn't mean that people had forgotten. It would no longer hurt your friends or family, but it would still hurt you. People still remembered. You could see the distrust in the eyes of everyone you approached. And pity in the eyes of your friends and family. 

You didn't want to be hated. 

You didn't want to be pitied. 

You just wanted to live life. As yourself. And have everyone see you for who you are. And not some rumors or gossip. 

You sighed again. 

You just wanted to be normal! 

Though you also wanted to stand out. To be recognized. 

Why is this so complicated?

"Oh." You turned at the surprised exclamation. 

"Who- Tomo? What're you doing here?" 

"What're you doing here?" 

"I asked first!" 

"I-" He looked really guilty. 

"Who sent you here?" 

"Kazuha... It's not his fault though! I think Scaramouche made him send me here." 

"Ok... Why though?" 

"Why do you think Y/N?" Your (e/c) eyes met his purple ones. 

"He...He said that... And Kazuha also said that...."  You trailed off and looked away, unable to meet his eyes or finish your sentence. 

"Yes. She almost killed me." 

"Why does he want me to know?" You were on the verge of tears "Why? I don't want to know!" 

"Y/N-" he grabbed your hand. You shoved him away. 

"He doesn't trust me!" You were sobbing now. "Why can't he trust me? I told him that I'll do it! I told him that he doesn't need to tell me but-" 

"Y/N. Calm down." 

"I can't!" You were hysterical. Normally, you would be able to control yourself, but the stress and frustration of the last couple of weeks made it worse. 

"Y/N." He grabbed your hand and this time you didn't push him away. "It's alright. Calm down. Stop crying." 

"Tomo. What's going on?" 

"Kazuha?" (You) 

"It's me. Why are you crying Y/N?" (Kazu) 

"I don't know." you managed to gasp out. 

"Calm down." (Tomo) 

"I'll- I'll try." After a few more moments, you managed to calm down. 

"Phew. What was that Y/N?" Then he shrieked after being elbowed by Kazuha. 

"I'm fine now. Just a panic attack I guess." You stood up. "I guess I better get going now." 

"Wait-" (Tomo) 

"Don't tell me. I'm fine. I don't need to know." You walked down the cliff. They didn't follow you. 

Kazuha POV

"Since when were you here?!" Tomo exclaimed after Y/N had left. 

"Since the beginning of your conversation." 

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