Chapter 30

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TW (Trigger Warning) : Violence, Blood, Threats etc.

"I finished everything. Here. I hope you're happy. I'm going to go sleep for a long long time. DON'T call me if you need anything." (Heizou)

"Wow! Thank's Hei!" (You) 

"Mhm." (Heizou) 

"Wow, he looks really tired. I hope he'll be alright." 

"Don't worry about him. He's always like this before exams but then he gets perfect scores." (Scara)

"I should ask him to tutor me sometime." (You)

"Isn't, like, your brother smarter?" 

"Yeah, but like, he's too busy hanging out with Lumi." 

"Heizou has Kuki." 

"But like.... there's no one else." 




"You wouldn't-" 

"Who says so?" 

"Uhhh your personality?" 

"Ugh. That again. What's so bad about my personality?" 


"Wow. I'm soooooo hurt."

"Pffffft. Heh. Come on! We need to finish this up." 


"Wait, let me call your mom." 


"Hello? Yeah, it's me. How'd it go with finding those people? Great! We gathered all the evidence, so I think we should go and confront her before calling the police. What time? Alright. See you then! I'll bring Kuni so don't worry!" 

"Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!?! Did you really call my mom?" 



"We're meeting an hour later. Get ready. I'll see you in a bit!"


You ran off. 

"Hey! You crazy bi###! Get back here!" 


Running to your dorm, you got ready and gathered your stuff. 

"Hahaha! The look on his face!" 

After laughing for a long time you went to Kuni's dorm. 

"Hey! Kuni! Come out! I'm here!" 

"Leave me alone." 

"Come on! I promised your mom!" 

"Just go by yourself!" 

"I'm climbing in through the window then!" 

"Fine!" He opened the door. "You happy?" 

"Kuni-" He looked really tired and sad. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go." 

"Are you-" 

"Let's just go!" 


I haven't seen him this mad in a while.

At all really. 

He's been upset or sad before...

But this...

It's on a whole new level.

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