Chapter 5

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You opened your eyes. 

All you saw was the ocean. 

You were on a cliff overlooking the sea. 

It was your comfort zone. 

No one knew about this. 

It was sunset. 

Feeling so many notifications that you got annoyed, you took out your phone. 

It was all from your (twitter/instagram/whatever social media). 

You opened the post that had made so many people ping you. 

You phone slipped out of your grasp and into the ocean. You stumbled backwards and fell. You didn't bother to get up. 

It wasn't only Mona.

They all knew. 


Even Xiao. 


Rain started falling. You didn't care. You closed your eyes. Feeling the rain wash over you. You made no move to rise. 

Some time later, you would be covered by a jacket. Taken to your dorm. You were unaware. Asleep or unconscious. 

Eyes opening, you looked around. You were in your dorm. When you walked out of your room, you saw your mother talking with Scara. 





"What's going on?" 

"Sweetie! You're finally awake!" 

"What time is it? It's a school day." 

"I called you in sick." 

"How did you know where I was?" 

"This nice boy found you. He says you were unconscious on a cliff. It was nighttime and it was raining. You could have died. He asked Xiao for my number then called me. I just wonder why he didn't give you to Xiao to handle." You looked at Scara. Letting your mom ramble. 

"Thank you." 

"Xiao would have killed me if I just left you there." 

"How'd you find me?" 

"Coincidence." You doubted it, but you didn't say anything. Your mom finally realized you weren't listening. 

"Well, if you're feeling better, then I'll leave. goodbye honey!" She hugged you and left. 

"You have a nice mom." 

"You don't?" He didn't reply. 

"You should check your phone. Your friends are probably worried." You reached for the counter, where you usually put it, then paused. Last night's events came rushing back to you. 

"I dropped it. In the ocean." 

"Why the fu## would you drop your phone in the ocean?" 

"Shock I guess." 

"Ugh. Just come with me." He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you out the door. 

"Wait! Just let me change!" You snatched your wrist out of his hand and rushed into your room. 

"Don't make me wait!" 

A minute later, you stepped outside. 

"Shouldn't you be in school?" you had just remembered. 

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