Chapter 24

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"How'd it go?" 

"She's scared. She doesn't know it's me either." 


"What is?" 

"That you're willing to go this far." 

"I'll do whatever." 

"People like you are so easily to manipulate." 


"Nothing Nothing. You're doing great. Just continue your work and I'll uphold my end of the bargain." 

"But... Are you sure that this will help me?" 

"Are you doubting me?" 

"I want to know if this will really help me." 

"Of course it will. I don't do things halfheartedly." 





"Where are you?" 

"I'm with Kuki at my dorm. Everything alright?" 

"I got another text. This time from a different number. I blocked whoever it is but..."

"$#it. Fu## this. I'm coming over. Sit tight." 


You paced around the room. 

Why again? 

I barely left my dorm! 

How'd they manage to take so many pictures? 

I saw literally nobody and I checked every minute!


"Y/N. I'm here." (Heizou)

"Hei! Oh! You brought Kuki?" (You)

"Yeah. I can't be away from my girlfriend for too long." (Heizou)

"Hey Y/N. How're you doing?" Kuki expertly ignored what Heizou had just said. 

"I'm fine. Let's talk in the living room." You brought them inside and flopped on the couch.

"You sure you're alright?" (Kuki) 

"I- I don't know what to do!" You held your head in your hands. 

"Y/N. Show me the texts." (Heizou) 

"It's a new number. I blocked it... Here are the texts." You handed him your phone. 


Unknown Number

Unknown Number

20 Images

Didn't I tell you I could get a new number? 


"I didn't even reply this time." You sighed "I'm so pathetic." 

"You're not. You did the right thing." (Kuki) 

"Did I though? I should have just reported this." (you) 

"If they cover it up... we would lose everything. Right now, we need evidence of who did it and how." (Heizou) 

"Yeah. Can you though?" You didn't want to be disapointed. 

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