Chapter 10 (fr this time)

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A/N: Ok so like this chapter got accidentally published lol I edited it and republished it so don't be confused lmho

"Y/N? Y/N!"

"Huh? What time is it?" Your voice came out groggy.

"It's 10 pm." Xiao?

"WHAT!!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP??!?!!" You screeched. Xiao clapped his hands over his ears.

"You're way too loud. I noticed that you were in here so I woke you up."

"Ughhhhh. I'm tired. Carry me to my dorm?"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, but he still picked you up.

Eventually, you fell asleep in his arms.

Not even noticing that someone had taken a photo of the two of you.

The next day, you had so many notifications on your phone.

"Not again...At least I'm not on a cliff this time."

You finally worked up the courage to open your phone...

And burst into peals of hysterical laughter.

"I'm apparently *gasp* dating Kuni! and *laugh* cheating on *wheezes* Kuni with *laughs some more* Xiao!" You were rolling on the floor hysterical.

When you finally calmed down, you went through your daily routine and headed to class.

People were whispering about you, but like...

It almost made you laugh again.

Eventually, you started laughing again during lunch.

In front of your friend group.

"Like seriously. How stupid can rumors get?" You were dying on the floor.

The rest of your friend group was laughing along with you.

You no longer really cared about what people thought. Spending time with Kuni had spawned so many rumors that you grew indifferent.

"Are you alright though?" Kazuha was always concerned about you.

"I'm fine. I'm used to it by now.... Do you think we should like reveal it in front to the school? That would be amazing. Like go to the cafeteria and I scream 'Hi! I'm Y/N and this is my brother Xiao!'"

"We are not doing that."

"hmph. Emo."

"I'm not emo!"

"You sure? You sure act like one."

"Pffft I missed this." Venti commented.

"Yeah. It was so boring with you gone Y/N!" (Aether)

"You two kept us entertained." (Kuki) 

"But like-" (Venti) 

"It's true though." (Heizou) 

"So how are we going to stop these rumors?" (Kazuha) 

"Yeah he's right." (Tomo) 

"I see you're still a simp Tomo." (You) 

"I'm not a simp!" (Tomo) 

"Guys! Let's calm down. Kazu's right. We don't want this to ruin your reputation."(Lumi) 

"It's fine guys. My reputation is already ruined, so like who cares if more happens?" (You) 

"It's not fine." (Hu tao) 

"Fine fine. Do what you want." You rolled your eyes, but you really were grateful that they were looking out for you. Though, it was useless to try to salvage your reputation. The moment you started hanging out with Kuni despite the rumors ruined all chance of that. 

"So like, should we post on our pages?" (Hu tao) 

"No it'll only look like we're trying to defend her because she's our friend. We need something bigger." (Heizou) 

"How about we get our parents to join?" (Xiao) 

"That might work...." (Lumi) 

"It definitely will!"(Tomo)

"Talk about optimistic." (Kuki) You giggled, drawing everyone's attention to you. 

"I really missed you guys." You grinned. Then someone behind the others caught your eye. You immediately turned and ran. 

"Y/N wait!" Lumi shouted, but you were already gone. 

"What was it that scared her off?" (Venti) 

"The person behind us." (Kazuha, Xiao, & Heizou) 

"What?" (Aether, Venti, & Tomo) 

"I see our little friend group hasn't changed." Mona was standing there, a smirk planted on her lips. 

"You bi###. You dare show your face here after what you-" Xiao glared at her, however, the intimidation level wasn't that high with Kazuha's hand over his mouth. 

"Xiao calm down." (Kazuha) 

"I get it. The bi### is right there." (Hu tao) 

"Yeah, ready to break some bones Lumi?" (Kuki)

"Heizou, control your girlfriend instead of staring at her like some lovesick puppy." (Lumi) 

"What? No I wasn't doing that!" Heizou stammered, a blush rising on his face. 

"Sure you weren't." (Aether) 

"You totally were." (Venti)

"I don't mind." (Kuki) 

"Oh?" (Venti) 

"We're dating venti. Shut it." (Kuki & Heizou) 

"Did you guys forget I was here?" (Mona) 

"I didn't." (Xiao) 

"What do you want Mona?" (Lumi) 

"I just wanted to see how my dear friends were doing." (Mona)

"Bull$#!#" (Xiao) 

"Agreed." (Kazuha)

"Kazuha agreeing with Xiao cursing at someone? That's a first."(Hu tao) 

"What do you think I'm here for then?" (Mona) 

"Oh calm down. Everyone except for Y/N knows that you only joined our friend group to get close to Scara. Though I don't get how breaking Y/N's heart helped you..."(Heizou)

"It was revenge. And it felt great!" Mona's eyes twinkled. They were filled to the brim with insanity. 

"Revenge for what? What did Y/N ever do to you?" (Kuki) 

"Why don't you ask her? Anyway, where's Y/N? I don't see her anywhere." (Mona) 

"B!##. You know very well what happened so cut the cr@#." (Aether) 

"Wow, so rude. I'm hurt!" Mona held a hand over her chest, pretending to be offended.  

"As if. Just leave Mona." (Hu tao)

"hmph. You guys sure don't know how to appreciate me. I got rid of that crazy girl for you didn't I?"

"What do you mean for us? The 'crazy girl' as you say is our friend! And she's my sister! So don't go saying that it was for us. It was for your own gain Mona. Leave, And never talk to us again or else. I'm sure if you die Hu tao will give you a discount on a coffin." (Xiao) 

Mona stormed off. 

"Was that a joke at the end Xiao?" (Aether)

"Wow! Xiao Emo Phase Over! I can see the headlines now!" (Venti) 

"Stfu" (Xiao)

"Same old Xiao." (Venti) 

"I think it was too much to hope for." (Heizou) 

"You guys are impossible." (Xiao)

A/N: Hello! I managed to gather enough energy for an update! Hope you enjoyed? I really liked making the group interactions. I was giggling while writing it lmho. Have a nice day/night!

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