Chapter 1

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You woke up to a knock on the door and an unfamiliar voice. 

"Why are you here?" 

That's Xiao.

"I was bored." 

Huh? Who's that?

"Ok, so how is that my problem?" 

"I don't know. What! Why is there a girl in your room? Don't tell me-" 

You decided to butt in. 

"Ummmm. I'm his sister." When your brother stepped aside to let the other person in, you saw guy with indigo eyes and a purple bowl cut. He was almost the same height as your brother. 

For the sake of things lets just say that Y/N is around the same height as Xiao and Scara bc I can't imagine them being taller than me for some reason... like they seem so tall, but they're like supposed to be short lol. They're around my height and I'm not even in high school yet. (At the time I wrote this, I'm in 8th grade.)

"Oh, Xiao you weren't the only short emo in this school?" You grinned. 

"We're almost the same height shut the f### up." he grumbled. 

"You're still short being a boy and all. Plus you're older than me." 

The purple headed dude was looking back and forth between you two. 

"You don't seem like you're related." you snorted. 

"Some people even thought we were dating. Anyways, what's your name? I'm Y/N." 

"Psh. Why do you need to know?" 

"Wow, so rude. I can really see why you're friends with Xiao. Both of you are short tsundere emo kids. Wait... are you in 6reeze as well?" 

"Ok, I'm leaving." he stormed out of the room and slammed the door. You giggled. 

"Hey Xiao?" 


 "Do you know his number?" 

"Why do you need it? Don't tell me you like him! You just broke up with Albedo!" Your expression immediately turned serious at the mention of Albedo's name. 

"No. I just want to entertain myself. He reminds me of you. Are the two of you friends? You seem like you would get along well. You're both emo." Xiao groans. 

"For the last time, I'm not emo! Can you please stop calling me that?" 

"You did ask nicely, but nah. It's too fun." 

"That's it, I'm going to my room." 

"If Lumi asks, tell her I'm at your place." 

"Just tell her yourself. Your phone has been alerting you the entire morning." 

Why are we all even here?

The better twin

Y/N! Are you alright?


Why wouldn't she be?

The better twin

Ugh I forgot you were here. 

The better twin kicked Astrologist


Whoa what happened? 


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