Chapter 17

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After lunch, I walked into the practice room. 

"Scaramouche! You're finally here!" (Venti)

"Okay. Let's get started." (Heizou) 

"Started on what?" (Scara) 

"The new song of course!" (Aether) 

"Oh. Right." (Scara) 

"Did you all memorize the lyrics?"(Kazuha) 

"Mhm!" (Venti) 

"How troublesome. We don't even have the songwriter here to discuss this with." XIaos comment made me pause.

 What did he mean by that? 

Probably just that she had something else to do right?

"Yeah." I didn't miss Heizou's little side-eye at me. They were just trying to make me curious. I won't fall for their little tricks. 

"Let's just get started."

A hour later, we had mostly managed to sing the song decently. There were a few parts that we needed some confirmation on though. 

"I'll call Y/N and ask her later." (Xiao) 

"Alright. See you guys!" (Kazuha) 

"Ok I'm leaving." I stormed out of the room only to see that Kazuha had been waiting for me. "What do you want?"

"Let's talk." 

"Do you think your brother will approve?" silence "Thought so." 

"My brother isn't here." 

"And if he find out? If anyone finds out?" 

"Then I'll take full responsibility." 

"Fine. Lead the way." Kazuha started walking. When we reached an empty classroom, he entered and pulled the door shut behind me. 

"Why is he here?" (Tomo) 

"Why are you here Tomo?" (Scara) 

"I'm Kazuha's boyfriend of course I'll be here." (Tomo) 

"Right." (Scara) 

"So I wanted to tell you that-" (Kazuha) 

"If it's about Y/N then I don't want to hear it." (Scara) 

"Oooooh!" (Tomo) 

"Shut it." (Scara) 

"Tomo. Please stay quiet." (Kazuha) 

"Hurry up and say what you need to say. I can't stop you anyhow." (Scara) 

"You're keeping your distance from Y/N because of your sister yes?" (Kazuha) 

"I-" (Scara) 

"Hmmm. So you are." (Kazuha) 

"Yes. If that's all you wanted to know can I leave now?" (Scara) 

"Your sister. Raiden Shogun." (Kazuha) 

"I already confirmed it so what are you going on about?"(Scara) 

"Why do you think she tried to kill Tomo?" (Kazuha) 

"She always goes after people I care about." (Scara) 

"You don't care about Tomo though." (Kazuha) 

"I care about you and that means I indirectly care about Tomo. She wants to take everything from me. The only way to prevent that is to not have anything in the first place." (Scara) 

"Even if you stay away from Y/N what would happen if your sister found out that you cared about her? Even if you keep your distance, you still care about her don't you?" (Kazuha) 

"If I pretend not to, then she won't find out. I won't let her find out." (Scara) 

"I think it's already too late for that." (Tomo) 

"What do you mean?" (Scara) 

"Check the latest rumors." (Tomo) 

"I don't care about that." (Scara)

"Tomo's right. Anyways, I did all I could. See you around Scara." Kazuha and Tomo left the room. It was the middle of the last period. I was planning on skipping anyways. 

What did he mean by the latest rumors? 

I guess I can find that really easily online. 

I opened my phone and flipped to the school gossip page. 

I scrolled until one post jumped out at me. 


Victims: Albedo Kreideprinz,  Xiao L/N, Scaramouche Raiden. 

"Nonsense. When did the rumors get this bad? So this is what Tomo meant. Well what do they want me to do about it? Did they mean that Shogun could find out from only that? Ugh. All this is hurting my head." 

I sighed. 

Even if that was true.... What could I do? 

Should I try to contact Y/N and explain? 

Suddenly, I heard a voice outside the classroom door. I quickly hid. 

Albedo walked in. 

He answered a video call. I could see who he was calling. 

"Hey Bedo!" 

"How are you doing Y/N?" 

"Great! How are you? How are things at school?" 

"It's fine. Nothing much is going on. Did you have any school work you didn't understand?" 

"No. I'm sure I got it." 

"Okay. I'm trying to put a stop to all the rumors but it isn't easy." 

"Don't worry. I'm sure you're doing your best. Even if you can't, when the school year ends, everyone will forget about it over the summer." 

"So you're planning on doing this for the entire school year?" 

"What other choice do I have Bedo? I'll be fine. Plus, my parents need the help with Qiqi." 

"Alright then. Call me if you need anything okay?" 

"Alright. Same goes to you. Bye Bedo!" 

When the call ended, Albedo left. A smile on his face. 

I wanted to punch him. 



I can't get this worked up over nothing. 

I swear. 

I need to talk to her.

Don't I? 

Will she even respond? 

Why is this so complicated? 

Let me just unblock her and see what happens. 

I clicked the unblock button and sighed. 

Now what? 

A/N: Jealousy and kinda backstory. It's getting kinda stupid lmho. I'm cringing. 

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