Chapter 39

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"Y/N!" You walked faster down the hallway as a familiar voice called out to you. The voice that once comforted you, now only compelled you to get further away. 

"Y/N wait-" You whirled around, a few yards ahead of him. You were well aware of the audience watching. 

"What do you want Bedo?" You masked the sadness and guilt in your voice with anger and exasperation. 

"I- We need to talk." 

"We don't. There is nothing else to discuss. I already told you everything. And it would be in both of our interests for you to do the small thing I asked of you."

"Small? You know that isn't small." He walked towards you and you flinched. 

"Stop!" You shout halted him. 


"Stop. I told you already. Just leave me alone Bedo! I have no need for you!" You shouted at him. 

Then you backed away. Spinning around, you ran the rest of the way towards your next class. 

Despite his calls to stop, to talk to him, you kept going. It was all you could do to hold back tears. You kept looking back as you ran. Suddenly, you crashed into someone and staggered back. 

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was- Kuni?" 

"What's going on? You looked panicked." 

"I'm fine. I need to get to class. Let's talk later." 

"At lunch then." The two of you went your seperate ways. 

When the lunch bell rang, you quickly headed to the practice room. 

When you went inside, Kuni was already waiting for you. 

"You're here." 

"Kuni!" You ran and hugged him. "I'm so happy to see you." 

"I can tell." 

"Of course you can." You grinned at him and let go. 

"What happened earlier? You were hyperventilating." 

"I- Bedo. He called out to me. I had to act so cruel Kuni. I had to hurt him so he couldn't see that I didn't want this either but it was for the better." 

"I know. I did that to you once didn't I? It hurts. But you have to get through it. Eventually, everything will turn out alright." 

"Yeah. I know." You smiled. "I have to keep hoping right?" 


"Well, that's enough of that. What do you want to eat?" 


"Let's go out and eat something. We don't have anything to do next period anyways." 


"Yay! Let's go Kuni!" 

A year later...

I have to get ready to meet with the others!

Digging through your closet and fixing your makeup, you hurried to get ready. 

You were meeting up with Hu, Lumi, and Kuki. 

Archons, they're going to gang up on me about Kuni. 

Does the fact that we're not dating yet bother them that much? 

Or do they just want to earn some money? 

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