What happened to Albedo?

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I have a few headcanons about this so I'll let you guys decide. Of course, if you guys have your own headcanons feel free to go with those. I would love to hear them so comment them plsss

Option A

Albedo POV

The sun roused me from slumber and I sat up.


"Albedo? You're up?" She rushed into the room and I smiled. 

"Good Morning." Pulling her close, I kissed her forehead. 

"Albedo!" She pulled away, her face flushed. 


"Y-You! You can't do that so suddenly!" 

"Why not?"

"I- Um I-" 

"You're so cute." I watched her get redder and redder. 


"You're so fun to tease." 

"I- I should get to work." She turned and I hugged her from the back. 



"Just a little longer." She turned around and hugged me. 

"I won't leave Albedo." 

"Thank you." 

Sucrose won't leave me.

She'll stay with me. 


A few extra details about option A:

So Albedo and Sucrose are married rn. 

They work at a lab together but Albedo also paints and sells his paintings. 

Sucrose doesn't call him Bedo because you used to call him that. 

The two of you do not keep in touch but you do know what the other is doing. 

Albedo has separation anxiety because you left him. 

He was okay with just being friends but was crushed when you left him and started ignoring him completely. 

He seems a little ooc in this clip bc he's with Sucrose. He's the normal logical Albedo we know when they're with other people. 

Option B

Unknown Caller

"Hello?" (You)

"Y/N" (Albedo) 

"I told you not to call me Albedo Kreidenprinz! I'm married! Don't contact me! Stop trying!"


"Please. Just stop Bedo. This isn't healthy. For you or me." 


"Bedo. Stop this."

You ended the call and Kuni walked in. He immodestly knew what had happened from your expression. Walking towards you, he wrapped his arms around you.

You sighed and leaned into Kuni's embrace. 

"Why don't you just block his number?" 

"I don't know. I just feel bad for him I guess. But I think he might do something more drastic if I block him." 

"We can report him Y/N." 

"It might be my fault for-" He hugged you tighter. 

"It's not your fault Y/N. Never think that." 


"Y/N. It's okay. We'll get through this." 

"Kuni. I didn't want to hurt him. But I think I might have hurt him more. I don't know what to do Kuni." 

"We'll be fine Y/N." 

"I hope so. I really really hope so." 

A few extra details about option B:

As you might have noticed from the dialogue You and Kuni are married

Albedo became obsessive over you. 

He calls you nonstop 

Nothing else has happened yet

You're fine thanks to Kuni's support. 

A/N: So there's a sweet option and a kinda creepy option. I debated a few where You and Bedo are friends but I didn't have any ideas on how to write it. I hope you enjoyed!

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