Chapter 31

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A/N: My apologies for the last chapter. ahaha. This one is a smidge less angsty. 

It hurts. 

It hurts so much. 

Is this a dream? 

Then I want to wake up. 

Get me away from this pain. 

Stop this. 

Stop it. 


Please please please!

You awoke with a gasp. The blinding white lights and the smell told you that you were in the hospital. 

Turning your head to the side, you waited until your eyes adjusted. 


"Oh, honey! You're awake!"

"What happened?" 

"Ei took you to the hospital. She told me what happened. It's been two days! You could have gotten seriously hurt! What were you thinking?" You could see the exhaustion and worry on her face. 

"I'm sorry. I just- OW!" The throbbing pain had returned when you tried to sit up. 

"Don't sit up. You'll tear your stitches. I'll call the doctor over." You mom stood up and left the room.

You lifted your arm. It was wrapped in a bandage. You slid your uninjured arm to where you had felt the knife pierce you before you fell unconscious. 

"Owww. Ugh it hurts so bad." 

"Miss Y/N correct?" (Doctor) 

"Yes." (You) 

"Thankfully, the knife didn't pierce anything vital. It will leave a scar, but it should heal. We stitched it up and it should be fine as long as it doesn't tear. You can come back to get your stitches removed in a week. You're free to leave now. Just no strenuous exercise alright? And those situations can be very traumatic, so make sure to talk to someone about it if you can." (Doctor) 

"Alright." (You) 

An hour later, you were at home in your room. 

"Mom?" (You) 


"Did anyone visit me?" 

"Xiao. Your dad. And Ei. She's really nice. I could tell she felt guilty." 

"Oh. Alright. Can you leave now? I want some time to process." 

"Of course. Call if you need me." 

"Mhm." You reached over to grab your phone. Most of the messages were from people who just thought you had fallen or something. You skimmed through the groupchat. 

Wishing me well. 

Swearing at Raiden Shogun. 

Wondering what happened. 

Is that it? 

How about Kuni?


I wonder what happened.

You called Kuni. 

"Ring. Ring. Ring."

"Ugh. Why isn't he picking up? I better call Ei."

"Hello?" (Ei) 

"Ei! What happened after I blacked out? I saw you tackling-" 

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