Chapter 29

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Don't leave me...

Help me! 

Save me! 

Pull me out of this dreadful abyss that has become my life!



Let me live! 

Let me be happy, at least for a moment...

At least... for a moment...

You sat up, breathing heavily. 

"What... What kind of dream was that?" 

It's like my innermost, most locked up part of me...broke free. Surrounded me. And would not let me escape. 

"Ugh. Why am I getting poetic? It's almost time for school. And with Mona getting expelled, I'm fine with it. I also don't have a headache." 

A/N: my mom just came in and offered me a banana then forced me to take. lol apparently she gave them to everyone in the house rn. how would you react if someone spontaneously handed you a banana? Anyways, let us continue.

You quickly got ready and rushed to first period. 

"Phew. Just in time." 

"Miss L/N. You were almost late. Try to be more on time next time." 

"I was sitting down before half the people in here were. I think it might be more fair if you'd address them as well instead of singling me out." 

"Well then. Everyone. Please make sure to be sitting down by the time the bell rings. Especially the people who can have trouble waking up in the morning." 

"Ugh. She's totally singling me out. So unfair." You muttered under your breath. "Well, I have to focus, or else she'll do that even more." You sighed and started taking notes. 

After class...

"Excuse me-" 

"Yeah?" You turned around, and was met with a pair of blue eyes. 

"I-I was wondering if I could see your notes for this class? I just need it for next period." 

"Of course! Here you go. You can return it to me during break. I'll be in the practice room for 6reeze. You know where it is right?" 


"Okay then! See you! I have to get to my next period." 

"O-okay. Bye." 

You rushed off. 

How cute. He's so shy!

Ugh. Now I have to go to (Least favorite subject). Fun.

You got to the classroom quickly and sat down. 

"And now this here is blah blah blah...." 

As the teacher droned on, you took notes, and tried to pay attention. Key word: tried. 


"Oh thank the Archons. I almost fell asleep." You gathered your things and headed to the practice room. "since we only have 30 minutes for break... I should hurry." 

You arrived in the room and sat down. 

"Ummm m-may I come in?" 

"Oh yeah!" You opened the door. 

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