Chapter 2

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chapter 2

    Su Yu directly pushed Su Mo away, and the slippers made a cheerful rattling sound as they stepped on the solid wood floor.

    Su Mo was in a daze for a moment, subconsciously turned to look at Su Yu, but only saw a piece of white clothes that was about to disappear on the stairs.

    At that moment, his heart skipped a beat, and he actually had the illusion that something that should have been there was gradually leaving.

    Su Mo followed subconsciously.

    "It turned out to be Young Master Gu. You came to see our lady, right? Our lady fell badly. It was pushed by the lady from the country. It's because our lady has a good temper, so she didn't blame her. Although the lady cried in pain , but she is very strong, Young Master Gu, don't blame me for talking too much, when you meet Miss, you will act as if you don't know anything." The

    Su family's villa is very big, and when Su Yu ran downstairs, the nanny had already opened the door.

    Coincidentally, she just heard such words.

    Su Yu looked up, a little out of breath, but she saw the boy in the basketball shirt standing outside the door, and couldn't help but look over his head.

    Sure enough, ten stars.

    It was Gu Feiyuan, the man with ten stars in this book, now the school girl of Mingqi High School, the fiancé of the heroine Su Niannian, who she was trying to win in the original plot.

    When Gu Feiyuan entered the school, he became a sensation on the school forums because of his good looks. She also secretly downloaded his photos, and even when they ran into each other on the way to school, she would take a few extra glances at him.

    Gu Feiyuan is handsome and elegant, with a pair of eyes that are naturally affectionate, and just one look can make a girl fall for her.

    His family background is very good, his parents are both musicians, so he can play the piano well. When he sits in front of the piano and plays the piano, all the light beams fall on him, and his whole body will glow.

    But such a man has grown up, but his temperament is extremely cold, except for Su Niannian, he will not pay attention to anyone.

    But in her heart, Gu Feiyuan treats her differently. At the sports meeting in the first year of high school, Gu Feiyuan took the initiative to ask her name.

    From then on, she thought that he was interested in her in a self-indulgent way.

    Looking back now, I'm afraid it's because she looks similar to the Su family.

    Poor me at that time, how could I think that this crop is just a foreshadowing buried by the author.

    When they returned to the Su family, the Su family held a small family banquet, and Gu Feiyuan was also invited by Su Niannian as a family friend and classmate.

    That day, she went to Gu Feiyuan with her face that was already red from allergies, and handed her a love letter.

    She was naive, she didn't know the relationship between Gu Feiyuan and Su Niannian at that time.

    After all, when Gu Feiyuan was in school, he never had any scandals with any girls.

    Or, at that time, she couldn't get into their circle, so naturally she didn't know much about it.

    What's embarrassing is that Gu Feiyuan returned her love letter at that time, his attitude was not bad, it was even elegant.

    He said: "Sorry, I can't accept your love letter." She looked     at

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