Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Four more in one

    It's not impossible, but if you play the piano with one hand, the effect may not be so good.

    After all he can't dance.

    Su Yanxing looked down at Su Yu holding his hand tightly, but he was reluctant to let go. As long as she didn't let go, he wouldn't let go.

    Su Yu asked the system in his heart: "How long will the punishment last?"

    The system: "It depends on how much you change the plot. This time, it won't be long, and there are still ten minutes."

    Su Yu was relieved Come on, her and her brother's performance is ranked second to last. There are so many people performing in front, and there is still a lot of time.

    She took Su Yanxing's hand with confidence: "Brother, are you hot? Are you sweating? I'll wipe it for you later." She was still a little

    embarrassed, probably because she held it too tightly. , her brother's hands were sweating a lot. In this weather, the auditorium is still a bit stuffy even with the air conditioner turned on.

    Su Yanxing's ears were red, and he wanted to change his hand, so he tried to twitch his hand, but just as he moved his hand, Su Yu's two hands immediately grabbed his hand.


    That's it... can't wait!

    Su Yanxing's ears became redder, and so did the end of his eyes. He coughed dryly, lowered his head, and said softly, "Xiao Yu, I'll give you another hand." Su Yu didn't notice Su

    Yan Xing's expression made her heart tremble three times just now. If his brother pulled his hand away and she passed out at this moment, all the next plans would be ruined.

    "It's okay, brother, I don't want to change."

    Su Yanxing pulled his lips: "Isn't it wet?

    " Not worth mentioning in terms of life.

    Hearing her words, Su Yanxing blushed even more. He stood there with his head down, his fair and handsome face blushed, and the light made his face even more beautiful.

    Seeing this scene, Gu Feiyuan felt even worse for some reason. He went to the dressing room, poured a glass of water, and poured it down. The water was very cold, and he should have felt much better after drinking it, but it didn't. , he was still in a bad mood.

    In a blink of an eye, he saw Su Niannian crying on the dressing table.

    She seemed to be crying very sadly, her chest was heaving violently, sobbing softly one after another, and she was surrounded by a few girls who usually played well with her to comfort her.

    But I didn't see Su Mo who had been chasing Su Niannian long ago.

    Gu Feiyuan knew that even if the relationship between the Gu family and the Su family was not relied on, as the elder brother next door who grew up with Su Niannian as a childhood sweetheart, even the fiancé with whom Su Niannian was betrothed since childhood would come forward to comfort her A few words.

    But he didn't know what was going on, his legs couldn't move.

    An idea popped into his mind, if the Su family hadn't picked up the wrong child seventeen years ago, then the person who grew up with him as a childhood sweetheart would be Su Yu.

    It will be Su Yu.

    Once this idea pops up, it will grow wantonly like a weed, and it doesn't even need any nutrients to water it.

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