Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


    Su Yu's face was full of question marks, no, what special interest did her brother develop? What do you want a girl's hairpin to do?

    Moreover, she doesn't usually wear this hairpin, it is an accessory that matches this skirt, so she only put it on her head today.

    "Xiao Yu, is it okay?"

    Su Yanxing seemed to be aiming at Su Yu's card issuance, his voice was softer and softer, and there was some inexplicable caution.

    Su Yu immediately took down the issuing card: "Give it up."

    Whatever her brother wanted, she gave it to her!

    Su Yanxing took the hairpin. Obviously, he was in a very happy mood. According to a book he read, a girl's hairstyle is very important. Hair can be broken and blood can bleed, so hairpins can't be lost.

    Important cards can only be given to important people.

    Su Yu didn't know why her brother's mood turned cloudy all of a sudden while holding her small hairpin. She still thought, if her brother likes it, this time on her brother's birthday, she will send a box of exquisite and beautiful hairpins. , to satisfy her brother's little hobby.

    She immediately wrote a few more notes in the small notebook in her heart: one birthday gift, one box of card distribution.

    "Brother, don't be angry, let's have breakfast, we have to go to the beach to see the sea later." Su Yu put the fried eggs on her plate onto her brother's plate, coaxing him with a smile.

    She hoped that her brother would be happy all the time, even happier.

    Su Yanxing raised his eyes and glanced at her smiling eyes. When he lowered his eyes, the long eyelashes blocked all the thoughts in his eyes. He was still stroking the little orange dragonfly hairpin with one hand while he picked up the poached egg.

    He originally wanted to press the corners of his lips, but he couldn't, and the corners of his lips turned up.

    Su Yu looked at her brother's handsome face with his head bowed and a slight smile in front of him, and he was in a very good mood.

    Seeing a beauty is really pleasing to the eye, and seeing a beauty like her brother is a hundred times more pleasing to the eye.

    From the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Song Xingchen and Sheng Tianyang, and then quickly retracted it, thoughtful.

    In the original book, the person who made the heroine Su Niannian find Su Yanxing inexplicably familiar was Sheng Tianyang.

    She didn't think of this at first, she only judged from the original book that this person must be someone around Su Niannian, and at that time Sheng Tianyang hadn't really been included in Su Niannian's surroundings, and she hadn't had much contact with Sheng Tianyang , so I didn't expect it all at once.

    But once, outside the classroom, Sheng Tianyang quickly walked through the class aisle and bumped into her, she saw his eyes and saw his outline.

    At that time, the sunlight slanted down from the side and landed on his face, drawing his profile clearly and eye-catchingly. Those special swallow eyes lit up, and the ends of the eyes were slightly hooked and provocative. unruly.

    The eyes look different from her brother's, but the expression of the eyes is similar, and the outline is even more similar.

    Sheng Tianyang is not as good-looking as her brother, he is tougher and more handsome, while her brother is handsome and handsome.

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