Chapter 21

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    Song Xingchen was really excited, chasing after Su Yanxing with his mobile phone, talking more.

    "God Y is really a unique talent in the new technology world. He is a dark horse. I have paid attention to him not long ago, and I admire him very much. He is really good. He is super cool with black technology. He can write any ordinary code casually. It was awesome immediately."

    Su Yanxing squeezed the toothpaste, lowered his head, ignored Song Xingchen, and was a little impatient.

    Song Xingchen's emotional words continued: "God Y doesn't know what university he graduated from, and I want to take his university entrance examination in the future, so I will be his junior! With my grades, I should be able to go to any university."

    "Give way." Su Yanxing pushed away Song Xingchen who was standing beside him.

    Song Xingchen sighed: "Unfortunately, God Y's information is not public, such information as gender, age, and university is not available. Now I hope he will go to the awards ceremony in a month. You said he will go Right?"

    He just asked casually, and never thought that Su Yanxing would take care of him, besides, it is impossible for Su Yanxing to know whether God Y will go to the award ceremony.

    Unexpectedly, after Su Yanxing rinsed his mouth, washed his face and wiped his mouth, he replied with two words: "No."

    Song Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then he said 'Bah, Bah, Bah' three times, chasing him out of the bathroom: " Don't crow mouth poisonous milk!"

    Su Yanxing ignored him, took the mobile power supply and mobile phone, carried his schoolbag, and went directly to the cafeteria.

    Su Yu would have breakfast with his brother in the cafeteria every morning. When she was waiting for her brother today, she suddenly received ten stars.

    Seeing the ten stars that lighted up inexplicably, Su Yu was dumbfounded. Although the performance of the last party was uploaded on the Internet, there were too many new things every day. After a short period of attention, the stars did not shine much.

    Why did ten of them light up all of a sudden?

    She immediately asked the system: "What's going on? I didn't do anything, did I?"

    The system's answer was very perfunctory: "It's either you or Su Yanxing, it should be Su Yanxing, he is bound to you, and you will be a star if you do something eye-catching." Su Yu was at a loss

    . Come on, what earth-shattering thing did her brother do?

    "Xiao Yu, why are you in a daze?" Just as she was thinking, Su Yanxing's voice came from behind her.

    Su Yu turned her head, and saw her brother, who looked like a goblin who had sucked energy, looked radiant and energetic today, and his already handsome face was even more eye-catching in the morning light.

    "Brother, what did you do so happy this morning?" Su Yu asked curiously.

    Because this time is the second time her brother has shown his beauty, there are still ten stars at once. You know, because her brother is not the host, but only her binding person, the value of this star is still discounted.

    Therefore, it is definitely not a small matter to light up ten lights at once.

    "Get dressed, brush your teeth, and wash your face." Su Yanxing was a little confused by her question.

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