Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    What should come finally came. When Su Yu heard Su Qi's voice, it was as if a stone that had been hanging had finally fallen to the ground. It had been several days since he didn't come to trouble her, but she still remembered this One crop.

    Su Yanxing's expression changed, his whole body tensed up, and he made a gesture to stand up.

    Su Yu pressed his shoulders: "Brother, I will solve it myself."

    Su Yanxing disagreed, his beautiful jaw was tense, he watched Su Yu walking towards the back door, but he stood up and followed behind .

    Su Yu followed Su Qi to the aisle outside the classroom.

    It's lunch break now, and there are many students coming and going in the aisle.

    "You should know that I have nothing to do with your family anymore, and I don't need to meet again in the future." Su Yu said very coldly.

    Su Qi sneered: "The Su family really is where you can come and go whenever you want, right? If the blood relationship can be broken so easily, don't worry, I will be the first to break it off with you, and only recognize one younger sister "

    He was full of Su Niannian in his heart, but he still only regarded her as his younger sister. No wonder he became a male n in the future, not even a male third, so dull, Su Yu said kindly: "You can treat her Su Niannian not only treats her as a younger sister, anyway, you..., don’t you?”

    Su Qi understood the meaning of the half-sentence she didn’t say, and his face suddenly flushed red, not sure if Su Yu hit his mind or he was angry .

    "Su Yu! What's going on in your filthy mind?!"

    Su Yu was too lazy to say another word, turned around and wanted to go back to the classroom.

    Su Qi was so angry that he grabbed her hand: "What the hell are you doing? I don't care about the nonsense you said, I want you and Niannian to apologize." Su Yu suddenly realized that he wanted to sever ties with the Su family

    . Why is the word Su Niannian still firmly stuck to her body?

    This is the main line of the heroine, is she unable to get rid of as a female supporting role?

    "What did I do to her that I have to apologize to her?"

    When asked by Su Yu, Su Qi was momentarily stunned. What did Su Yu do to Nian Nian?

    Nian Nian didn't say anything...

    but Nian Nian cried. Ever since Su Yu came home, Nian Nian cried nine out of ten because of her.

    "She is crying, no one will make her cry except you."

    Su Qi bit this to death.

    "Then what do you want from me?" Su Yu suddenly realized that if he didn't follow Su Qi's train of thought, this matter might not end so easily.

    "Apologize to Niannian."

    Su Qi said firmly.

    Su Yu nodded: "Okay, let her come here."

    She answered so fast that Su Qi was a little unaccustomed to it, and the anger and lines that seemed to have been prepared were all suffocated. go back.

    He was about to ask why he still read it, when you passed by yourself, he heard a voice not far away.

    "Xiao Yu, I brought you here for you." She was very gentle.

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