Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    The phone is on speaker.

    Bai Kelian and another roommate came together, and Zhou Yuan also stood beside Su Yu.

    Su Yu's mobile phone was placed on the table, and the call was connected quickly. On the other end, Su Yanxing's gentle voice came over, "Xiao Yu?"

    Bai Kelian became nervous when she heard his voice, and bit her. Lips, looking forward to it, she was thinking in her heart, his voice was so gentle, like spring water, it made her heart rippling.

    Su Yu was also a little nervous at the moment. She glanced at Bai Kelian from the corner of her eye, pursed her lips, and said, "Brother, I have a roommate who wants to invite you to dinner tomorrow." She said it directly without

    any Grooming or small talk.

    Su Yanxing pulled his tie when he returned to his residence, and now he frowned when he heard Su Yu's question, and he pulled his collar again, suddenly feeling a little impatient.

    Xiao Yu, what does this mean?

    Was it an indirect rejection of him? Help your roommate ask him out for dinner?

    Su Yanxing's relaxed mood all the way back sank to the bottom now, he didn't react for a long time, so he didn't speak.

    Su Yu glanced at her mobile phone, the phone has not been hung up yet, her brother heard her question, but why didn't he immediately reject it?

    She couldn't help being a little upset and irritable, and she felt an indescribable dryness in her whole body.

    Su Yu couldn't help but said again: "Brother? Are you coming?"

    Unexpectedly, at the same time, Su Yanxing on the other end of the phone also asked: "Do you want me to come?"

    Su Yu opened his mouth, and the voice stopped abruptly , Zhou Yuan and Bai Kelian all looked at her in unison, staring at her.

    "If it's only you, I'll do it."

    Fortunately, Su Yanxing didn't just throw this question to Su Yu, he made his statement in the next sentence, as if the question he asked just now just wanted to know what she was thinking That's all.

    Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and his whole body relaxed, and the irritability just now dissipated a lot.

    She replied: "Of course I respect my brother's opinion."

    Su Yanxing noticed that Su Yu's tone was serious and upright when he spoke, not as relaxed and soft as usual, so he guessed that she turned on the speaker now .

    "Hmm." Therefore, his voice returned flat.

    Zhou Yuan looked at Bai Kelian, the expression on his face seemed to say that you shouldn't even think about it, it's useless!

    Bai Kelian was not reconciled, and suddenly said from the side: "God Y, hello, I am your fan, I have liked you for a long time, I want to meet you, and I just want to ask you some academic questions, I won't I've been bothering you for a long time, is it okay?"

    Her voice was soft, her posture lowered, and she even had a hint of pleading, and she even added a sentence later, "I accidentally found out that you are Xiao Yu's brother, and I miss you even more. I got to know you a little bit, and Xiao Yu is also very good in my heart."

    Su Yu: "..."

    She didn't speak, and held her breath, waiting for her brother's answer.

    When Bai Kelian said this, it was really hard to refuse.

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