Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    A particularly outstanding boy?

    Su Yu thought about it seriously, and then replied to Su Yanxing in an objective way—[All those who can come to this training camp, regardless of gender, are excellent. 】Su Yanxing: "..."

    He rubbed his phone, changed his posture, and sent another message-【I mean, among the boys in this training camp, do you think he is different? ] He thought he had made it very obvious.

    Su Yu was also puzzled when she received this message. She came here to participate in the competition training, not to go on a blind date. How could she notice that boys are different or something.

    She has noticed her brother's intentions, is her brother worried about her puppy love?

    She typed a few lines in the input box, and couldn't help but delete it after a while. Finally, she thought about it a bit, and went back to one-[I didn't pay special attention to them. In my heart, brother is the best. 】After Su Yu posted this article, she read it twice and felt that there was no problem. Her brother should be relieved. After all, she told him a long time ago that she would never fall in love early.

    Su Yanxing was completely relieved when he received Su Yu's words, and he returned a comfortable and shy expression.

    Then, Su Yanxing returned to Song Xingchen's WeChat dialog box, and sent him a sentence - [Take care of yourself, don't talk nonsense to Xiao Yu:)] Song Xingchen was still inexplicable when he received Su Yanxing's words , Why didn't he take care of himself? Su Yanxing's temper is too big!

    Fortunately, Su Yanxing didn't come here, otherwise, he would have quarreled with him on the spot!

    "Mr. Y, the awards ceremony is about to start. You are fine here, right?" At

    this time, in the backstage lounge, a female staff member ran in excitedly and asked Su Yan with a blushing face. OK.

    Su Yanxing put on a suit, and he was tall and handsome. If others didn't tell him, they wouldn't know that he was a high school student.

    "Well, I have no problem."

    Now that he has decided to show up, Su Yanxing has already made up his mind, there is no problem.

    Besides, showing up had never been a problem for him.

    In the past, he hid information and refused to show up, but it was because of family reasons, he didn't want An Wan to know his existence.

    But now, the matter can't be kept hidden, and there's no need to hide it. Now that he has Xiao Yu, he has nothing to fear.

    "Then I'll talk to God Y about the process in advance." Seeing that Su Yanxing's voice was gentle, and his eyes and eyebrows were very easy to talk to, the female staff immediately changed their address to God Y with affection and admiration.

    Su Yanxing lowered his eyebrows, put away his phone, and nodded.

    He wanted to come here with Xiao Yu, so he would naturally cooperate with the process here.

    "It's like this. The award presenters include bigwigs in the technology industry, well-known entrepreneurs, and scientists. Then, there is another one who accepted our invitation temporarily. He is an actor. This actor will help us promote, so , we plan to let him and another scientist present the award to you, what do you think?" The

    female staff member said shyly, looking at God Y's face in front of her, her heart was about to jump out.

    She really didn't expect God Y to be so young and so handsome.

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