Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 (Don't Jump, Important Information about Brother)

    There was an artificial lake outside the theater. When Song Xingchen came out, he saw Su Yanxing standing beside the artificial lake.

    He was slightly bent over, with his hands on his knees, and seemed to be panting.

    "Hey, what's the matter with you? Your sister's drama will start soon, why don't you go in and see what you are doing outside?"

    Song Xingchen walked over, complaining, but there was concern in his eyes.

    Su Yanxing didn't speak.

    Song Xingchen walked around in front of him, only then did he see Su Yanxing's brows were tightly furrowed, his face was pale, he was clutching his chest, panting heavily.

    "Su Yanxing, what's wrong with you? I'll take you to the hospital!"

    Song Xingchen was terrified, and hurried forward to support him.

    Su Yanxing closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and said with great effort, "Don't let...Xiao Yu know."

    After speaking, he kept bending over and passed out on the ground.

    Song Xingchen was so frightened that he thought that Su Yanxing had some serious illness. After a second of stunned, he went to check his breath. Feeling that he was still exhaling, he was relieved, and hurriedly called 120, and then said He ran to the theater door.

    The hospital is very close, and the ambulance will arrive in ten minutes.

    "He passed out suddenly, and he was out of breath before he passed out, as if he was suffocated." Song Xingchen followed the ambulance, and described the previous scene to the doctor in a panic.

    The doctor didn't say much, and after carrying Su Yanxing into the car, he carried out a preliminary examination, checking his pupils, breathing, and heart rate.

    "The high probability is the shock caused by traumatic stress syndrome." The emergency doctor first made a preliminary judgment, and then began to perform first aid measures on Su Yanxing.

    Song Xingchen couldn't read or understand, so he was at a loss.

    What traumatic stress syndrome? What's this? What caused the shock?

    Nothing happened in the theater just now, they all sat in their seats, and then waited for the play to start, nothing happened, why is it some kind of stress syndrome?

    After arriving at the hospital, Song Xingchen waited outside the emergency room, and then took out his mobile phone to check what this traumatic stress syndrome was, when he saw Zhou Yuan's message popped up on WeChat.

    ——[Where did you and Su Yanxing go? Already started. 】

    Song Xingchen thought about Su Yanxing's refusal to speak, thought for a while, and then replied-【Our brothers have a bad stomach, and have diarrhea in the toilet, don't tell others, it's embarrassing. ] Zhou Yuan quickly replied—[…]

    Song Xingchen didn't say any more, and Baidu checked this traumatic stress syndrome.

    There are not many explanations on the Internet. It is about a person who is threatened with death or is seriously injured, or a delayed and persistent mental disorder caused by the death of others.

    The manifestations of this mental disorder are not the same.

    What has Su Yanxing encountered? How could this happen?

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