Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 1 more + 2 more

    Sheng family.

    "Tianyang, how are you doing at school lately?" In

    the large Chinese-style living room, the famous entrepreneur Sheng Qingyu is sitting on the sofa. He looks to be in his forties and is well maintained. How much erosion, but a little more mature.

    He is holding a book in his hand and is reading.

    "It's not that good." Sheng Tianyang sat opposite him, playing with his mobile phone with his eyes downcast, his eyebrows and eyes were 80% similar to Sheng Qingyu's.

    Sheng Qingyu pursed his lips, frowned, and looked up: "I heard that Thursday and Friday are monthly exams, have you taken the exam yet?"

    Sheng Tianyang leaned on the sofa, raised one hand and put it on the sofa Edge, then hooked his lips and smiled: "Dad, I am like this. In the future, I am destined to go abroad to get a diploma and gilt it. What are you doing so hard to take the exam?" Sheng Qingyu's face darkened: "You will inherit

    Sheng Home, I don't want the Sheng family to be ruined within a few days when it is in your hands, and if you don't study, your brain will always be a fool." Sheng Tianyang seemed to be in a bad mood when he heard it, and his face was ugly. When he spoke     , It is even more rebellious and flamboyant: "The Sheng family is so rich, can't they hire ten or eight people in charge? The times are changing, not to mention, why do people study? Isn't it just to get ahead, make a lot of money in the future, and live an easy life. I was born , I have all these, do I need to work harder?"     He said, laughing, the whole person seemed to be an ignorant waste, and there was no hope in him.     'Snapped! '     Sheng Qingyu's gentleness couldn't be maintained any longer, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he slapped the book heavily on the coffee table: "Sheng Tianyang!"     Sheng Tianyang seemed to be used to it, so he just smiled and kept going. He had an indifferent expression on his face: "Since I can't do it and I'm an idiot, then you can give birth to an heir who is not an idiot." Sheng Qingyu's face changed slightly when he heard his words, and his face became tense     .     "Qingyu."

    Just when Sheng Qingyu was about to utter a rage, a gentle female voice came from the stairs.

    The father and son sitting on the sofa froze suddenly.

    Once Sheng Qingyu put away all his anger, Sheng Tianyang lowered his head even more, looking as obedient as a well-behaved student.

    "Tianyang is still young, how can you blame Tianyang?" An Wan had a gentle smile on her face. She was sitting in a wheelchair with delicate makeup and an elegant expression.

    She was pushed from the elevator by Butler Shen.

    An Wan wore a beige dress with a long skirt that could cover her entire legs.

    However, as the wheelchair was pushed over, one could still see the emptiness under the hem of the skirt, and even the thighs were flat, obviously, that part was not there either.


    Sheng Tianyang, who was flamboyant and rude to his own father, stood up nervously when he saw An Wan, stood beside him, and called softly.

    An Wan smiled, and tilted her head to look at Sheng Tianyang and Sheng Qingyu, her tone soft, "What were you father and son talking about just now?" "



    Sheng Qingyu and Sheng Tianyang spoke at the same time, saying After finishing, the two looked at each other, neither of them exposed the other.

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