Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    Su Yu suddenly woke up from the dream.

    The bitter and salty taste in the mouth is so clear, as if everything happened in real life.

    Su Yu touched his cheek, only to find that his face was covered with tears.

    The others were already asleep, but she didn't feel sleepy at all at the moment. After sitting up from the bed, she was in a daze for a while, and all she could think about was the dream she had just had.

    Su Yu touched her chest. Everything in the dream was real, including the sharp pain from the tree branch piercing her chest, and the feeling that her bones were broken when she fell from a high mountain to the ground.

    Even the wetness of the rain on her face, the breath of the search and rescue dog sniffing around her face, and the warmth when her brother found her and held her in his arms, she felt I felt it clearly.

    That kiss, that teardrop, were like a burning brand, branded in the bottom of her heart.

    Was this how she was discovered later, after her death?

    The voice of the system sounded at this time: "In the original book, there are only a few words about your body being found, because you are just a villain, and the death of the villain is a great plot for readers, and there is not much description. "

    "What did those few words say?" "

    It was written in the original book that the Su family only regarded her as running away from home again and didn't take it seriously, but four days later, Su Yanxing was in the country. A funeral was held for Su Yu, and only then did everyone know that Su Yu was dead.' Just such a passage, do I need to repeat it to you?" "No need."


    Yu's voice was a little soft.

    She died abroad. That time she traveled abroad with the Su family. She didn't tell her brother about this trip.

    At that time, she had very little contact with her brother, and she put all her thoughts on the Su family, and of course the balance of her heart was no longer inclined to her brother.

    She was pushed off the cliff by the kidnappers like that, she died, and the Su family didn't look for her, but her brother got the news and came to look for her.

    If she hadn't been abroad at that time, if she could have a closer relationship with her brother, maybe she would have survived then.

    Su Yanxing will definitely save himself.

    In the dream, his chin was covered with blue stubble. Obviously, he had been looking for her.

    He brought her back to Jiangcheng and held a funeral, so that she would not be locked in that desolate valley forever after dying in another country.

    "Actually, there are still some clues in the original book. I didn't think about it deeply before, but after reading it now, I can see that Su Yanxing has always had you in his heart, right? It's not because you opened up a new plot and took a path. The new plot line has feelings for you, right? I think he has had a crush on you for a long time! It’s just that the original book didn’t have time to say it, or the author just planted a seed, but didn’t intend to let it germinate.”

    The system analyzed on its own, thought for a while, and said, "Yes, that's it. This seed is the motivation and premise for Su Yanxing to do things that hurt Su Niannian and the Su family!" Su Yu didn't speak, and she followed

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