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𝟏𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨...

"Its been a while." I force a smile the heart rate monitor comes to life as it's bootless beeping fills the otherwise silent room.

And I wonder did he feel this same rush of adrenaline, enjoyed this same smugness when he saw fear drip from each and every pore of his soon to be victim in front of him.

Especially when the tables are turned?

I guess not, no tables had the misfortune of turning for him until now.

"Did you miss me?"

The beeping starts to get obnoxiously loud, pounding against my skull.

"Look at you panicking."

I smirk knowing the marks he left on my face are as much an eyesore as petrifying.

"Do you you think I am here to kill you?"

His hand trembles.

What looks like the burnt flesh of his lips quivering.

He is scared.

He should be scared.

The irony is his hands never trembled when they clawed my skin, his lips never quivered when he bite of the flesh on my back.

But now they are shaking and trembling.

I lean forward to hear the thud in his non-existent heart.


"No dad," Forcing sympathy that goes to waste. "I am not here to kill you. I just wanted to see you. Cause you don't deserve to die..."

I trail off as I caress the hands which made me bleed not just physically, but a hundred thousand times mentally and internally.

"So easily."

I finish letting my nails dig into that soft blotchy burnt flesh.

His heart rate spikes alarmingly but that doesn't stop me from crushing his hand.

Now if only I can break it.

"You don't get to die as a victim."

Wet sticky gooey substance paints and coats my dirty nails.

"Death is inevitable for you, sure. You're going to die even if I don't kill you. But I can make you suffer as long as that blackened heart of yours beat rhythmically. Can't I?"

His poor attempt to crush my hand makes me grin and shake my head.

"You don't deserve to lay in this hospital bed, blocking room for someone who needs the medical attention much more than a fucking pedophile rapist does." I grit out twisting his wrist bone, and I relish the sound that he emits thrashing against my hold.

The same way I thrashed in this hands.

"You don't deserve to die earning sympathy when you didn't feel a shred of remorse for what you did to your wife. When you raped your own daughter and dumped her half burnt body in the pond after destroying her face."

A strangled noise makes past the bandage wrapped around his face.

I bring his hand to my face to let him touch the marks he left on my face.

They are all over me like permanent indentations carved out of a scythe.

"Remember how you scratched my face with your blade?"

I drag his trembling fingers across the brutal scars.

My whole body recoiling like an alligator from the feel of those sick fingers.

I close my eyes letting my lungs to do its job.

"I will repay back the favour, Dad." I eye the blood on my fingers my lips curling at the delightful sight and it hits me.

I realise how badly he has ruined me.

"May be better than how you taught me." I pat his hand looking him in the eye that he could barely open.

"Raven will see you under the tree of death."

My busted lips curl some more at the sheer terror oozing out from those haunted empty sockets.

"Raven will fest upon you. Raven will fill the deadly night with your desperate howlings. Raven will make you bleed until there isn't a single drop of blood is left but you still won't be allowed to die. Raven will keep you alive until you will be clawing and begging for death. Raven will make you relive the hell you made us live through till our last breathe. Raven will make sure you don't find mercy or peace even if you cease to breathe. Raven will make you suffer like-"

I stand up bringing out the sacred black rose.

"-all those vultures of Lilura..." I crush the rose, the thorns piercing my hand, I welcome the pain as I let the blood taint those crushed petals. "....who burnt her tied to the tree made her suffer. All of those vultures will see the return of Raven..."

I drop the rose on his chest.



Updates on every Saturday :)
Happy reading❤️

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