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𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚?


"What?!" Marlon screeches while I turn my head towards the direction he pointed.

"There has been two murders last night when the roads were all blocked due to the absurd blizzard." Fox matter-of-factly speaks. "One has been in Lilura and one here in Malachi."

Did he just say two murders?

"Two?" Sydney whispers her eyes finding me and I pass her a confused shrug.

I know what she is thinking.

Not again.

We came here for a fresh breathe away from blood and gore and murder.

"Killian!" Rosie squeals oblivious to the news he dropped or the tension.

"Oh hey Rosie, didn't see ya there for a minute." His ever frowning face pulls up into some sort of a beautiful smile.

"You know him?" Marlon glances from me to Rosie.

"Yeah he is my friend!"


We say simultaneously.

"He saved me from getting run over and I guess Rosie and he met at the antique shop I was shopping yesterday." I explain looking to Fox to find him staring at me already.

"Oh." Marlon nods. "So I guess no lake-"

"Actually Mrs. Savero, would you mind stepping down from the car for a second?" He leans away from the car keeping his whiskey eyes pinned on me.

"Officer-" Marlon passes a dark look at Fox but I'm already stepping down.

"Yes, Mr. Fox?" I offer him a fake upset smile.

Marlon gets out of the car as well coming to my side and it feels odd.

He has never came up to my side like right now he is.

Something possessive and protective about the way he places his hand on my waist pulling me to his side, Fox's eyes tracking the movement.

"Since you were at Midori's Antique Shop yesterday and bonded quite well with Maria."

Fucking bastard heard everything.

"Someone's been eavesdropping." I add not hiding the sour tone, he just smirks.

"Well the person who was murdered is Maria's husband."

My eyes widen as I slap a hand over my mouth.

"Oh my....what?" I blink at the news.

I turn around towards the crowd before hurriedly making my way towards the dogwood tree.

Marlon calls after me but I ignore spotting Maria standing sheilding my view from the dead body that lies couple feet away from her feet.

"Maria!" I call coming to stand by her side.

And I cringe.

For the people whose eyes move from the dead body to me.

I have seen too many dead bodies to cringe at the one I'm staring at...

But it's still fun to pretend weak and scared and all normal like everyone.

There lies a naked dead body right at the foot of the tree like some offering.

A half dead body.

It's hands are missing or rather seems like someone cut off his hands and turned them into ice cause in place of his arms are two chunk of frozen ice sculpture.

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