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𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 & 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬

TW-There is reference to blood towards the end ⚠️


"Please do visit us too, we are just next doors."

Leah pulls me in a brief hug.

"Ofcourse, gotta try those cookies more."

I chuckle that uncomfortable comfortable feeling in her hug triggers something inside me that I fight my best to not feel or its just my fucked up head playing tricks on me cause her eyes are grey.

I proceed to pull back but she holds me back.

"My gut feeling is telling me you're hiding something." She whispers right by my ears.

My eyes widen briefly.

And I know Arwan doesn't want me to say it, but I say it anyways.

"If possible do a spiritual cleanse of the house, it will remove any junk stagnant power. Its a old house, Leah. With old energies stuck in the walls. Cleanse the place before you settle down."

I pull back looking at her face.

She nods letting out an exhale.

"Okay, thank you."

"You know how to do it?"

Her lips curve upwards.

"I do."

I nod giving her a thumbs up and she chuckles.

"Take care and if you need anything help with, I am right next door."

"Same here."

Stepping down the small set of stairs waving bye to Shira who cutely waves back.

And yea I still don't thing this girl can swear like how Nevan put it.

"Bye Rosey! Bye Riko!" Nevan calls.

He is excited to come back and play with those two more than anything else.

We bid our last goodbye Nevan acting as if he is moving to a different continent instead of just crossing the road.

On the way out I wanted to throw a glance at the tree but Arwan steps up infront of me throwing his hand over my shoulder shaking his head, dragging me out of the lawn.

I don't fight.

I am still shaken by that imagery.

"She was cute wasn't she?" He asks flashing me his dimples, letting Nevan run to the door while we walk leisurely.

"Yeah," I nod, those honey eyes flashing in my head. "She reminds me a lot.....of my mother." I almost half eat the words but he hears it nonetheless.

He stops, pausing me with him.


"She had warm eyes like her, her's is more cute though." I try to continue walking but he doesn't move. "Mom had this lightest shade of honey brown eyes and they would look so pretty in the sun."

I look up to find his shadow casted sage eyes staring at me.


His lips cut off the word as he claims my lips under the lantern shaped streetlight.

I like kissing under streetlight as if the whole world fades into the background it's just us two with the light.

My first kiss was him ofcourse, it was under the streetlight and it was January 3rd, 2014. It was snowing hard, he had draped his oversized jacket which was quite literally a trench coat on my frame and I don't know what took over me...

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