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𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞


"Leah?" I snap my head at the blissful interruption.

Marlon standing on the steps of the porch his amber eyes glowering at Fox.

"I think we need to get a restraining order on Mr. Fox."

I throw back his hand to himself pissed off.

"Yeah love?" He walks keeping his hard gaze on Fox. "Any particular reason you been bothering my wife?"

My wife.

Why does that him saying it this time feels different?

Like as if he really means it?

"Mr. Savero, your wife," Fox looks at me that still small flicker of recognition in them. "Is one of the suspects of two suicides-"

"Listen Neil," Marlon grabs him by his shirt collar.

"Marlon-" I place my hand over his shoulder. "-don't."

"Yeah Marlon fucking Savero listen to your fucking wife." Neil grits glaring at his hand.

"You listen to me, one more time I fucking see you on my fucking property or anywhere near my wife or my family, it'll be your last day of wearing your fucking seal." He jerks him with each word.

"I'm just doing my fucking job." He shoves Marlon and God forbid I don't want them to fight. "She is a suspect and I've the fucking right to interrogate her. Its the fucking law, Marlon Savero even if you think you're above the law."

Oh he didn't just go there.

"Law?" I scoff pushing Marlon to the side so that I can face him. "Defending a rapist of a brother and pushing down the victim from a thirtieth floor building and making it look like suicide? That's your fucking law?!" I stab my nail against his chest shoving him down the stairs.

The past pent up aggression suddenly back again ready to explode.

It's no secret cause I couldn't let his daddy dearest wrap up a fucking murder like a burrito and put in the freezer to stale.

God why am I thinking about food?!

"Fucking sociopath talking about law as if he doesn't think he and his daddy is above the law. If men like you're making the laws then fuck the laws motherfucking assholes."

I swear I would've punched the daylights out of him like I did that day before stabbing him...

But Marlon grabs me just in time as I heave from my rant glaring wishing I had the venom of the fire breathing python to sting him with.

While Neil stares at me dumbfounded.

Too bad no one had the guts to say that to his shithole of a face.

"Baby calm down." He kisses my head but his touch is actually doing the opposite of calm as I break out of his arms.

"Get the fuck out of our property."

He stands there unmoving caught in his nightmarish trance.

"Now!" I yell scaring away the crows, a thunder striking the darkened sky.

"Brenna..." He whispers stunned and I feel my anxiety getting the best of me as the headache I've been feeling turns into hammer pounding into my head.

And the sweet blank darkness welcomes me like always.

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