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𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞


"Don't run, Nevan!" I call after his sprinting figure as he goes to his room to freshen up.

I glance at the watch.

6:15 pm.

Not too late I hope.

I look outside the bay window to catch a glimpse of our new neighbour but all I find is grey curtains overshadowed by yellow lights with movements of silhouettes.

I walk to our bedroom shrugging out of Arwan's checkered oversized shirt I had overlayered under my little cami top.

I am throwing my hair in a bun when I feel warm lips on my shoulder blade.

"Don't like bad boys huh?"

Wet arms snakes around my stomach, clash of cold and scorching heat battling where his arm burns me, jerking my body back to a very wet set of taut muscles forming some hard six packs.

Coincidentally the same amount of school he got expelled from.

Yes he was getting expelled from school while he built those mouthwatering abs.

The water drops from his wet sandy hair against my cheek like rain of fire as he kisses up a wet trail up my back.

My neck muscles stiffens as I bite my lip.

Magnetic heat licks from my skin to his and back to me.

He nuzzles his face in my neck, his mouth somehow managing to feel more warm than the sudden rise of my body temperature, as he presses open mouthed kiss on the soft sensitive spot.


His name rolls out of my mouth which feels dry like a cotton when his other hand slides up and grabs my throat leaning my head back against his chest.

"Yeah what's your opinion on bad boys baby?" His tongue licks my earlobe eliciting a shiver from me, my knees feeling week as I lean onto him. "Your body seems to tell a different story about your contradiction...."

My eyes closes when his teeth scrapes the delicate flesh in between my neck and throat.

"You look so beautiful my beguiling Witchy." His hot breathe fans my my burning neck as he bites my neck softly my toes curling. I raise my hand to bury them in his wet hair curls.

He takes hold of the cross necklace custom made from black tourmaline, flinging it behind my back.

"Just the way I like it." He mutters roughly.

"Wan, Nevan-"

"Shh, the door is closed." He sucks on my neck I fight the moan. "You know I am losing my sanity to keep from fucking you raw and hard like I used to before we made that spawn of Satan and you did scream my name, the very bad boy you married, until your throat became raw."

"Arwan...." I moan feeling his hand cupping my breasts twisting my hard as fuck nipples in between his fingers.

"What were you thinking when you put this little filmsy top to work?" My breath comes out rugged unable to focus on anything but that deep timber in his voice and the electro shocks running through my body.

I can't remember the last time we got to be this close.

Or the last time I had a good orgasm.

But fuck if he keeps putting me on this torturous high and leave me dry.

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