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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐬


Arwan can be quite determined on things he makes his mind on and one of them being never involving in what Ruan Judas Caelum is involved.

And here he is....

I hadn't said another word regarding the invitation after showing him the card.

It was him who told me tersely-

"If you wanna go, you can go you've the right to decide what you want."

And plain enough that statement had made me say no until day before yesterday when we invited the Saveros for a family brunch while Shira and Nevi worked on their art project, and Leah brought up the invitation topic.

Turns out the Saveros are the major collaborator of the Ken Hospital, especially Leah, she is the new head of the Althea.

It also turns out that though Marlon looks scary and absolute ruthless from outside, he is actually a big simp for his wife even if he forgot his memories, he was the one elaborated on what being collaborators meant.

He said, when Leah excused herself to wash her hands, that the Ken Hospital is Leah's dream project and I wouldn't know why if he didn't tell me Leah was pursuing PhD in biomedical science.

Cue the gasps.

Long story short since they were long term partners with the Caelums and being the collaborators of their new project, they could also invite whoever they wanted to and Leah invited me....well us.

Not invite me she literally begged me to go.

And saying no to Ruan's invitation is different to saying no to Leah's.

In the last couple weeks we've gotten a lot closer than I did like to ponder about my sudden uprise in my social skills....

But the fact that Leah doesn't really like to talk about her life before she got married because she lost her sister, really hit home when she shared one day.

It reminded me how the same way I don't like think about my life before Arwan cause I lost two of the only people I had ever loved to death.

I wanted to tell her that I could relate but I couldn't bring myself to share that part of me when I haven't shared that part with Arwan either.

It was visible from her choking words that she loved her twin and may be to share that part with me meant she trusts me and the fact that a complete stranger would trust another stranger with a part of their life that they keep hidden away cause it still hurts so much tremendously....I think is a big deal.

That little talk I think made us a little closer.

Besides the fact that she always checks on me like.....an elder sister.

She spends more time at Scarlet with me sharing her witty mind and talking about some celebrity who is absolutely a bitch.

It feels weirdly natural when I talk to her, when she pulls me in a bear hug.

There is an odd familiarity in her arms.

Leah loves to hug.

She is one of those person whom you meet on street and would greet you with a hug.

I adore her and the way she said she would be happy to have me there, something like soft hope in her grey eyes that told me today was important to her, I didn't have the heart to say no.

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