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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧


Her hazel olive eyes stares into mine with a million question waiting to be asked, swirling in them.

A million question I happen to know the answer to.

But I am not allowed to answer.

I don't have a million question I just have two.

Did you forget me?


Why are you still wearing the string I tied around your wrist?

But again I don't think I'm allowed to seek answers either.

My eyes goes down to her hands.

They are always crimson whenever we have crosspath.

And nothing in this world is a coincidence.

I wanted to believe it was cause I was meant to get rid of the blood from her hands.

Now such beautiful parallel universe only exist in books.

She waits for my answer.

Why drive four hours when I can get flowers from the one right across my appartment in Coralëna?

But little does she know, I wouldn't just drive but if have to I did walk to the end of the world just to start my day by seeing her.

"Someone said you always have the best flowers in Slovenia." I reply watching her nod her head, a few strands of cinnamon orange hair falling over her eyes.

And its taking everything in me to fight the natural instinct to remove that lock of hair.

"So you drove four hours to get fresh flowers?"

"It's not a big deal."

The word fairy is always at the edge of my tongue.

Sentences directed towards her just feels so incomplete without it.

She is like a little earth fairy.

So insanely beautiful, with red freckles dusted all over her nose and cheeks, her hair reminds of Merida, frizzy and curly like a cyclone has gone through it making it a beautiful mess, I did love to weave my fingers through.

Though mostly these days she straightens it out.

It's a pity, cause the night we met in the dark, it was her overgrown untamed orange hair that caught my attention.

And God she was mesmerizing, with the moonlight bathing her soft butterscotch skin illuminating her orange cinnamon hair.

The first thing I thought abuela didn't lie when she said earth fairies exists.

Cause I was staring at one.

So unreally surreal.

Just instead of how fairies are portrayed in every folktales waiting to grant someone a wish.

This fairy was sitting there crying and whimpering wishing to get rid of the blood from her hands, her white night gown drenched in red.

And what a gruesome sight was that.

Fairies doesn't go with blood.

Delicate benevolent creatures are what kids hear bedtime stories about.

Just like they are told stories of maleficent witches to make them scared listen to their parents.

Or may be the person who wrote about fairies in folktales forgot to add that not all fairies have it easy, just like witches fairies are also slaughtered or captured, why cause they are special.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now