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𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭


"Aeri." Coen nudges my arm and I realise I had frozen in spot, my throat choked my jaw clenched with all the rushing nightmares.

"Hi, I am Leah." The stunning woman introduces but all I could stare is her eyes.

They are glimmering glass reflecting a stormy turbulent sea in them.

Her voice has a thick British accent.

"I just moved in here today and I was taking a walk, people are so friendly here in Malachi. I needed to get some flowers and everyone kept recommending, Scarlet, so here I am." She gives a once over of my small shop.

Her stormy grey eyes wide and marvelling each and every walls.

"And wow, I have never been to a flower shop with this much aesthetics. This is so cool."

"Aerona." Coen whispers and it's only then I'm able to force oxygen into my frozen lungs.

"Are you the owner?" Leah asks, her lips never faltering from the warm smile even though I didn't return that smile.

I just can't.

With the hurling memories, I can't.

"Yeah." I find my voice and I hate how small it sounds. "I am Aerona."

"Your name sounds so sweet like somekind of tune." She tastes my name on her tongue humming at whatever tune she thinks my name makes to her ear. "You sure have the right eyes for design aesthetics." She makes an impressed face.

And somehow the thought of Arwan popping up with her words helps to redirect myself to the present.

Not in that haunting past.

"It's not me, it's my husband who has the eyes for design aesthetics." I find it in me to return back the warm smile.

Look at me anchoring onto that jackass even when he isn't here.

I smile at the thought.

"Oh really? You are married?" She says with geniune shock.

I get that a lot.

Especially when they find out I have a son as well.

"You look so young to for the lovers game, honey." She chuckles.

And her chuckle rings in my ears soft and rich, one of those sophisticated tone of soft chuckles.

That helps me stear away my focus from her eyes.

"She has a son too." Coen interjects amusement flickering in his brown eyes. "She looks like a sophomore college girl doesn't she?"

"You're telling me she isn't one?" Leah asks wide eyed with parted lips.

"Nope, she just turned 27 last month."

See eversince I was a child I was a late bloomer, no matter how hard puberty hit me, I did still manage to look like a kid.

And it's annoying cause no one takes you seriously.

More when you are just five feet three.

Yeah pure torture.

I would too like to look my age like this fine woman infront of me.

"Oh my goodness, I'm freaking thirty and everyone thinks I am forty." She gasps and as if I believe that.

"Whoever said that must have woken up from death..." I comment.

"Why?" She grins.

"Cause they hadn't got the chance to see a beautiful woman while taking their dead nap."

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