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A few weeks later....


"Tammy please stop with the news." I groan.

There has been so many murders lately.

Eight freaking murders.

And well some had the mark some didn't.

But I know each of those men weren't killed by Corvina not by Raven, she doesn't go on a killing spree.

Everyone knows that.

She gives precise gap between each of her killings.

7-14 days exact gap but lately one after the other bodies having popping up.

The once lake always full with people for morning walks and yoga is now completely deserted with investigation teams.

I'm so mad I can't visit my tree.

Fucking hell.

Why is Corvina going on a killing spree?

And Sydney couldn't be more right she doesn't have a specific killing pattern.

The killing ranges from unbloody to bloody.

Some of the bodies that have popped up misses vital parts of body, then some were completely fine but tormented by some kind of toxin and the pain was visible on their bulging eyes and gaped mouth.

Two days back the eight body appeared like that in the lake.

She sure do love to pollute the lake.

Even more to copy Raven.

I snap the more twigs pissed.

"Wait why is that bitch face officer heading towards Scarlet?" Coen mutters turning the slate facing the close sign.

"Should that give him a sign?" Tammy whispers beside me.

I watch Neil ignore the sign and push open the door.

"Probably no." I offer a decent welcome smile which he doesn't deserve give for his scowl face. "Welco-"

"Miss. Zove I've some questions for you and you're going to answer them honestly or there will be consequences." He charges directly at my counter slapping two blurry pictures.

Of my car....

And this might be the thing I've been dreading all along.

"What the fuck?" Tammy curses.

"Cursing to an officer can land you jail time miss whoever you are."

Well if I thought he was an asshole before that certainly doesn't change now.

"Damn, no doubt UK kicked you out of service." Tammy says curtly throwing her hands up in mock defense.

And I've no idea what she meant by it.

But it certainly pisses Neil cause he balls his hands on the counter glaring at her.

"Sora baby I think Nik is calling you." Coen cuts in walking behind me and grabs Tammy by her shoulder moving her away from the wrathful glare of Neil. "Sorry." He mouths to Neil.

Tammy passes a middle finger to Neil though his back is turned at her.

They leaves me alone to deal with an asshole officer with my heart experiencing something close to panic attack.

"I'm sorry for that officer, what can I help you with." I keep my voice steady and he points at the picture still very much pissed.

"Three weeks back right around 2:10 am on Monday your car was spotted in the hill road of Lilura just two kilometres away from the manchineel tree where Elvis Thorif was found dead."

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