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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭?


"Who's Corvina?" I ask softly as we watch the ducks paddle.

She freaked out by whatever she saw and almost had an anxiety attack.

Marlon, seemed tense as well not to mention I'm sure Neil is out there somewhere eavesdropping on us.

Cause he thinks that's a part of his job.

He is so fucking rude he literally wanted to interrogate on the explanation of what Celia meant.

And he wasn't asking.

He was demanding.

Annoying much.

Arwan is probably eavesdropping too, despite the fact that I told him to go pick up Nevan.

"Leah?!" I turn my head to the voice of a woman noticing her from yesterday outside Black Ivy.

She comes to Leah's side wrapping her arms around her. "I heard from Marlon...." She trails of noticing me offering me an awkward smile.

"I'm Sydney." She holds out her hand. "Marlon's sister and her ride or die."

I chuckle softly so does Leah barely.

"My ride or die? Since when?" Leah heaves her beautiful face creased with a frown.

"Neil seemed to know whoever this Corvina was...."

I know it's shitty of me to trigger a person with something she is already triggered.

But curiosity killed the cat.

"Corvina...." Leah swallows hard, the veins on her necks almost standing up. "That fucking bitch who ruined my life-actually," she shakes her head glaring at the lake. "Our life. My husband my daughter all of our lives."

I look at Sydney who bites her bottom lip with a scowl on her face as well squeezing Leah's shoulder.

"How so....if it's not rude-"

"Let me tell her?" Sydney probs and Leah nods getting up lighting a cigarette. "Leah c'mon you said you gave up smoking?"

"I have smoke hundreds and this one time won't kill me." Her voice unlike or the sweet person I heard, it's detached and pissed.

Whoever Corvina is surely on the very bad side of her.

I play with my hands still wondering why would Corvina choose my tree as an idle place to dispose of her victim's body.

Now I can't visit my tree without getting blocked by the investigation team.

"Passive smoking is injurious to health." Sydney grumbles before turning towards me. "So Corvina?"

I nod my head.

"Actually where do I start."

"From the beginning." Leah offers blowing out the smoke she is still not wearing a coat.

"So, to start from the start, Leah has been my bestfriend for half of my life-"

"She didn't ask for our relationship, darling." Leah interrupts and Sydney closes her eyes briefly intaking a deep breathe.

"She goes a bit rudey when she is pissed, ignore her kindly."

I would have almost laughted had it not been for Leah's glare.

If I said any of those men were intimidating god she is the queen of intimidators.

"Corvina is a cold-blooded serial killer from Ireland," Sydney finally cuts to the point. "Many people back in Ireland calls her the new urban legend, the witch with cherry red poison on her lips."

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