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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬


You know that feeling.

The feeling of being incredibly dumb?

Yeah I'm feeling that.

As I try to turn on the car for the seventh time.

Clearly I don't understand it has broken down, in the fucking middle of the road in the fucking middle of the night and I'm fucking stuck in this sudden blizzard.

"Fucking dipshit!" I curse hitting the steering wheel.

I dump my dumbass head resting it over the steering wheel hearing the click clock of the wiper.

Clearly a midnight drive wasn't going to clear my head.

Cause now I'm stuck almost four kilometres away from my house.

Just perfect.

With no battery or network.

Absolutely what I needed right?

I pull back huffing leaning back in my seat.

Staring at the star dusted ceiling of my car.

No its not Rolls Royce.

I'm too broke for that.

It's something I custom designed when I bought this Honda Civic baby.

"Not fair Kenny."

I named it Kenny after the first drive which I mostly spent bawling my eyes, don't ask me why.

I don't even know if I bought this car for myself or for her.

Did I design the ceiling because she liked the stars just as much as I did?

I blink my eyes, the warmth from the heater suffocating me.

It's moments like this when I'm all alone and my thoughts wander back to her.

I undo the belt and climb out of the car.

Welcoming the instant coldness.

I lean on th door staring up at the falling flakes of snow.

I like snow.

The couple best thing happened to me each time it snowed.

I met Ruan when I ran away in the snow.

I found my freedom from the cursed house when it was snowing.

I got my first kiss in the snow from Arwan.

I found out I was pregnant when it snowed for the first time in December.

I did Scarlet's inaugration on a snowy morning.

And even if I'm stuck in snow I can't really hate it.

I sigh watching the smoke coming out from my mouth.

I bring out my phone trying to see if it would turn on, but it's dead.

When I woke up I found the house eerily silent and empty with a note from Arwan that he was going to pick up Nevan.

As soon as I heard the blizzard warning, I had called him to stay the night at Coen's place and not drive.

It took a lot of convincing but he agreed in the end only at the condition I wouldn't do anything reckless like getting out of the house or being stuck in the snow because of a broken down car.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now