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𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬


I feel him remove the mask.

I keep my eyes close not knowing what will meet me if I open them.

"Open your eyes." He whispers into my ear trailing his nose against my jaw.

I do slowly, scared....

But what greets me is the most scariest prettiest thing I've ever encountered.

A library filled with books.

The library was empty the last time I checked covered in dust and cobwebs.

But right now the floor to ceiling long rows are filled with books.

Golden fairy-lights decorating the dark wooden shelf and sliding ladder.

Our wedding photo on tallest shelf.

Him kissing me for the first time with me dipped back in his arms.

It's fake as well.

Yet right now I ignore that fact.

I stare at awe at all the books.

"Remember the time you said, you never really liked Disney adaptions except Beauty and the Beast?"

I turn around my brain refusing to function but I nod with my heart somewhere in my throat.

Please don't say what I think you're going to say.


"There was this scene where the Beast shows Belle his majestic library and you gasped, you had this dreamy look in your eyes and you wished." He takes a step closer looking down at me, the softest smile to ever grace his lips. "If only you had a beast who did gift you a library like Belle got one."

His lips brushes mine and all I could do is feel something inside me crumbling to that pull.

That fucking pull I've always felt since the day I hid inside Celia's closet and saw him.

I remember how I hated him before that moment and so much more when I had seen him.

Drenched in blood and smoking and drinking whiskey.

A vision I could imagine only for Hades but I'm not Presphone.

When I saw him, for the first time in my life I had felt that shiver that comes when your heart forgets to beat.

I could stare at him all day and I wanted nothing more than to be the cigarette between his lips. The wine glass in between his fingers.

I was intoxicated by his darkness.

I wanted his darkness to engulf me like black magic.

I was intoxicated by all that crimson.

I wanted to be his canvass to paint away that crimson.

And right now he is intoxicating me, infiltrating his darkness into me.

And I'm desperately failing to resist it.

"All of your favourite authors' first ever published edition. The original copies. Won't you wanna see them, my Bella?"

He turns me around making me face the books.

He is certainly not Hades he is Beast yet I don't think I can be Bella either.

Belle is too good to be me.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now