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Theerapanyakun's Family

Son's: Mos(4th year University student), Pai(pheonix) (3rd year University student)

Son's: Payu(Venice)(3rd year University student), Win (2nd year University student)
Daughter: Paris (1st year University student)

Son: Phram (1st year University student)

Son: Daisy (high schooler)

Son: Vee(2nd year University student)

Channarong Family

(Jimmy is the leader of the family and Tharn is his younger brother)

Daughter: Sun (3rd year University student)
Son's:Bank(2nd year University student) Sky(1st year University student)
Mark(1st year University student)

Son: Dean(3rd year University student)
Rain(1st year University student)
Team(1st year University student)

(Payu, Rain, Paris and Sky are in the Architecture faculty and the rest of them are in the Business faculty)

Sun:- Short black hair.. tomboy... Loves her family and spoils her brothers... Cold to everyone except her family...

Paris: Cute girl.... All the members of the family spoil her since she is the only girl... Love her family...

Daisy:- He is like Tankun....but Not crazy he is really smart.... Spoiled by the family... 

There may be new characters or some changes in the following Story.... I'll let you know about it.... As for their age and all you guys can guess it😅....

Knight Clan

Mr. Michael leader of Knight Clan
Son: Net (3rd year business student)


Son's: James(3rd year business student)
           NuNew(1st year business student)

Sun's Team....

Guy1: Kj (art student)
Guy2: Yu (art student)
Guy3: Tip(engineering student)
Guy4: Ein(medical student)
Guy5: Cin(engineering student)
Guy6: Po(computer science student)

Vee's ex girlfriend

Dark X clan

Sun    :- X
Dean :- ZX
Sky.   :-Zai
Mark :- Kai
Bank :- XO
Rain. :- AX
Team :- Jax


Owner of J company
Son: Jake

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