chapter -10

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Author: I'll be updating about the new Characters in the 1st part titled us " Characters" so that it will be easy for everyone to solve your confusion about the characters.....


(Next morning... Everyone is having breakfast together.... Dean looks at Pharm who is sitting beside him and nodes...)

Tharn: When will TimeTay coming back?
Kinn: They will be back this week....
Porsche: They are having fun in the vacation with their kids and son in law...
Type: Son in law?
Pete: Their younger son is dating...
Sea: It's so nice to spend time with family....
Khun: Yeh it is....
Dean: excuse me everyone.... I have something to tell you all....
Sea: What is it dear?

(Dean holds Pharm's hand... Kim stares at their hand...)

Dean: We love each other.... We want to ask your permission for us to date....
Kim: You...

(Chay holds Kim's hand and looks at him... Kim doesn't say anything and stays silent....)

Chay: When did you start dating?
Dean: last night....
Tharn: last night?
Chay: Do you like him Pharm?
Pharm: I... Do....
Porsche: Since when?
Pharm: From the moment I saw him...
Khun: Who proposed??

(Dean and Pharm look at each other)

Dean: Both of us.. I think...
Kim: What do you mean?
Pharm: I was going to confess but when he saw me nervous... He confessed and I agreed....
Macao: Hey... He really is your Kid Chay... You fall in love with Kim and confessed to him.... Now he did the same😁😁😁
Kim: Shut up Macao!!

(Kim is staring at them.... Pharm gets nervous and Dean consoles him..)

Porsche: Kim stop it... U r scareing the kids....
Chay: we are just worried about him...
Sun: I know what you are worried about Uncle Kim.... Don't worry... He won't let anything happen to Pharm.... None of us will.... If you are worried about work... I'm the only one who deals with the dark side... I'll do it till my end.... I'll never let any one of my brothers or family get involved in it....

(Chay looks at Kim and they look at Pharm who is on the verge of crying...)

Kim: Fine... But if you make him cry... That will be your end... And I mean it... Understood?
Dean: Thank you Uncle Kim...
Chay: Don't call us uncle... You are family....
Dean: Okay Pa....

(Jimmy looks at Net who is sulking and not talking to Sun no matter how much she tries to talk to him...)

Jimmy: What happened Net?
Net: (pouting) ask her...
Tharn: Did you bully him Sun?
Sun: No dad... It's....
BG: Khun Sun... Everything is ready... Your flight is in 3 hours....
Sun: Thank you....
Sky: where are you going P'?
Sun: I'm going to Spain to meet a friend...

(TharnType and JimmySea look at each other..... So do their kids...)

Sky: Let me...  (Before he could finish)
Sun: No! I'm going alone.... Dean help Net with the University procedures... Bank and you are incharge of them....
Sky: Fine... When will you back?
Sun: In a few days....
Porsche: There is a gathering this Sunday.... Will you be able to make it?
Sun: Sure... I'll be back before that...

(Net gets up to leave but Sun pulls him and he falls into her lap.... Net struggles to get up but Sun hugs him tight...)

Net:😡 let go of me....
Sun: 🥺 sorry....
Net: What sorry? You promised to accompany me to university and now you are leaving for so long.... I don't want to talk to you... Leave me...
Sun: I'm sorry... I won't leave you if it's not important right? Please.... I'll make it up to you.... After I come back I'll accompany you for a full day... I'll cancel all my appointments... I promise...

(Net stops struggling and looks at her...)

Net: Two days...
Sun: Deal....

(Saying that Sun gives a peck on Net's lip and Net kisses her back....)

Tharn: Cough****cough****
Macao: If you guys haven't forgotten... We are still here....
Net&Sun: 😳😳😳😳
Sun: I'll go and Change....
Net: I'll come with you...

(Both of them go towards their room)

Mark: Hey don't be late... You have a flight in 3 hours P'....🤭🤭🤭
Sun: Shut up Mark!!!
Everyone: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Paris: 😔🥺💔
Sea: You okay Paris?
Paris: Mmm...
Kinn: Don't worry baby... You will find someone who will love you so much...
Paris: I wish I'll find him soon...😔

(Net and Sun came down.... Net is still pouting.... )

Sun: I'll get going then everyone.... Bye...
Everyone: Bye....

(After a few day at the University)

Dean: Let's go everyone is waiting for us in the canteen...
Net: Okay....

(In the canteen... Everyone is there, the Theerapanyakun's and the Channarong's )

Dean: How was the class baby?
Pharm:😳 good...
Paris: Hey... Can you be not so sweet here? Spare the feelings of us singles....😒
Mos: By the way... When is Sun coming back?
Net: Don't know....
Vee: Didn't you ask?
Bank: She doesn't contact us when she leaves for some meetings... She will be back in few days....
Nu: Hey guys!!!!
Pai: Hey James, Nu you guys  are back???

(Net looks in that direction.... James and Net lock eyes with each other...)

James: Net?
Net: Hii...
Payu: You guys know each other?
Net: Yeh... We studied together aboard....
Win: Yeh... He went there as an exchange student..
Net:😊😊 long time no see...
James:(nervous) Yeh....😅
Paris: Let me introduce.... This is NuNew and this is P'James... They are Uncle TimeTay Sons.... You know P'Net and the others are P'Dean, P'Bank , Mark, Sky, Rain, Team.... They are from Channarong Family....
Team: Nice to meet you guys...
Nu: Nice to meet you too....

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