chapter -27

883 44 6

Author POV

(After a week)

Everyone tried to contact Sun but no one was able to contact her or get to know her whereabouts... All of them were staying at the Channarong's Mansion... They went for work and University as scheduled with a tight security to prevent any trouble...

By the side of the pool Mark was sitting splashing water with his legs.... Just then Chay came by and sat beside him... Chay saw how disturbed he was.... He was conserned about him...

Chay: You okay?
Mark: I just can't shake off the bad feeling... I still feel like something might happen.... I... I am worried....
Chay: Don't worry dear... See everyone is here nothing will happen...
Mark: But she is not here...

When Chay heard Mark talking about Sun he was a bit worried too...

Chay: You know what.... Sun is one of the strongest person I have ever seen... She is really a mixture of P'Vegas and P'Kim.... She is smart and strong... She knows how to protect her family... So she will know how to protect herself too...
Mark: I know... But I also know that she will sacrifice her life of us.... I... I can't lose her.... She means a lot to me... I want to see her happy...
Chay: You just said she cares for her family... So what do you think will make her happy? It's you guys.... Seeing you guys happy will make her happy... So try your best to be happy...
Mark: I will....
Chay: Good... If you don't mind... Can I ask you something?
Mark: Sure..
Chay: About you and Vee... What exactly happened?
Mark: Want to know?
Chay: If you are comfortable telling me...
Mark: That night when you guys first stayed here... He proposed to me and I agreed to be his boyfriend... I asked him for a date that weekend... That whole week was really beautiful for me... I was so happy.... The day before the weekend when we were together he got a call and I picked it up... It was May... His ex... She was talking so sweetly just then Vee came and I handed him the phone... After talking to her he said he was going to meet her for something... And I let him go... Next day I was waiting for him in a cafe near the theater... He was late so I already got tickets and waited for him... Just when the movie was about to start he came... He said he wanted to talk about something important.... To tell you the truth after seeing him that day I already guessed what he was going to say but i really wished it not to be true... But he said it.... He told me he loves his ex and he had got together with her... And he came there not for the date but to break up.... That how we ended our things....

Mark was smiling while talking about everything.... Chay just looked at him and somehow he saw himself in him....

Chay: You know what... I actually know how you feel.... Maybe not fully but most of it...
Mark: What do you mean?
Chay: My story is similar to you....
Mark: You mean P'Kim and You?
Chay: Yeh.. P'Kim was the idol I really admired... I had a crush on him... After my brother left for work.. I get to meet him in a show.... After that he became my tutor... We got close... My crush towards him grew a lot... After I got accepted to the University I proposed my love.... He accepted me... I was so happy that I just hugged him so tight... After that when I was with him I still couldn't believe that he was mine... I thought it was all a dream... after that I was kidnapped.... And I get to know about my brother working in the Mafia and all... And I found about that P'Kim was the youngest son of the family my brother was working for... Many questions came to my mind... But I didn't want to make a guess so I went to find P'Kim... I asked him that he knew I was Porsche's brother... Do you know what he said?
Mark: what?
Chay: "Why else would I agree to tutor you?" That question broke me... But still I hoped... I asked him.. if he have ever loved me... He just apologized to me and left.... My last hope was also shattered.. After that I became rebellious... I skipped my University interview and I lost my chance to get into University.. I started drinking and smoking and all.. and P'Kim came and yelled at me for behaving like this and I told him to stay out of my business.. After that I realised what I have done.. It was my brothers dream to see me getting to University and living a good future but I ruined my future...After that a war happened in the family.... After the war P'Kim sent me a song... It was a song he wrote for me... After that he started pursing me again...
Mark: He pursued you?
Chay: Yeh... He told me that he loves me that he has loved me since the first time he saw me...
Mark: Then why did he reject you?
Kim: Because I was afraid....

Just then Mark and Chay saw Kim behind them.... Kim smiled at Chay and He joined them and sat by their side on the pool....

Mark: Afraid?
Kim: Yeh.. you know the cruelty of our world... And Chay is a pure soul... I was afraid that he will be hurt because of me.. to be precise I was afraid that I will hurt him... That was the first time I was scared...
Mark: Then what made you pursue him?
Kim: Because after I pushed him away I realised that I couldn't live without him... I pushed him away to protect him but the only way I could protect him was by keeping him by my side....

Mark looked at both Kim and Chay both of their eyes showed how much they loved each other....

Mark: Then you accepted him?
Chay: He pursued me for a long time then I did...
Mark: Weren't you scared? He broke you heart...
Chay: I was... I was really scared that he will broke my heart again if I give to him...
Mark: Then what made you believe in him?
Chay: My love for him made me believe in him.... I loved him so much that even though I was scared I still believed in him I give my heart to him.... And now he is by my side... We are a family... We have a kid... My love is still there....
Kim: I'll always be by your side love...
Mark: Hey keep it down you guys... I'm still single....

Mark started pouting at them and Chay ruffled his hair.... Tears started filling Mark's eyes....

Mark: I really envy you Uncle Chay... I hope I could be strong as you... But... I... I can't.... I'm afraid... If I get hurt again I'll lose myself... Because.... I...
Kim: Because you love him so much....

Mark nodded his head... Chay patted his head....

Chay: little Mark.... I'm not asking you to be strong... Or to give him a chance.... I want you to give yourself a chance.... I want you to think about what you want... What your heart wants.... Don't listen to others... Not me or P'Kim or anyone... Ask yourself what you want....

Mark looked at Chay with tears and Chay hugged him.... Mark cried on Chay's shoulder....

Kim: Hey... You have been hugging him for a while... If you haven't forgotten he is my husband....

Kim said in a serious Voice... Mark and Chay chuckles and looked at Kim...

Chay: Go away.... I'm spending time with my child...
Kim: How could you say that to me baby?

Kim started pouting and Mark and Chay laughed at him....

(After two days.....)

Everyone is sitting in the garden... Talking and having fun and drinking tea... Mark was sitting under a tree looking at everyone.... Vee was looking at him.... After a while he approached him...

Vee: Can I sit with you?
Mark: okay....

Vee sat beside him... Just then Mark got a call... Being so close Vee can hear the other person on tha call....

(On call)

Mark: Hello...
Girl: What's up baby?
Mark: Who are you?
Girl: Did you forgot me? We met at the theatre....
Mark: Ohh... Yeh... Why did you call?
Girl: I was thinking if you were free tonight.... Wanna come to my place? We can have some fun like last time...
Mark: I'll let you know if I am free...
Girl: Okay bye baby.....

(Call ended)

Vee was really angry... He was really jealous after hearing their conversation...

Vee: Who was it?
Mark: one of my one night stands....
Vee: Why did she call?
Mark: want to meet me tonight....

There was a silence between them for a while.... No one said anything they just kept looking at the others....

Vee: Can you not go?

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