chapter -1

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Channarong Family

(A Mansion Aboard..... Sun is sitting and reading books when someone knocks on the door... )

Sun: Come in.... Dad(jimmy and Tharn)? Pa(Sea and Type)? U could have just called me....

(They come and sit beside her bed)

Type: We wanted to talk to you about something....
Sun: Is it about moving back to Thailand?
Jimmy: Yes...
Tharn: R u okay with it?
Sea: If you are not we can stay here....
Sun: (sigs) Let me ask you something.... Who am I to you guys?
Tharn: Y r u asking this?
Sun: tell me....
Everyone: Our daughter, Family, our baby...
Sun: That's it... You are my family and I'll go with you guys and I told you before I am okay with moving back to Thailand...😊😊Okay? You guys good now?😊😊😊
Everyone: 😊😊😊 yes we are...
Type: You should sleep now... You guys have morning flight....
Jimmy: And take care of the others okay? We will come in 2-3 days...
Tharn: Do you need to tell her that? She has been taking care of them all the time...
Sea: Good night love....
Sun: Can I get a kiss from you guys?
Everyone: Sure..😊
Sun:(going back there.....😮‍💨😔😕😕)

(Everyone gives her a goodnight kiss and leaves....)

Sun:(going back there.....😮‍💨😔😕😕)

( And after a few moments the door opens again... And a bunch of kids come in(her brothers))

Sun: What are you all doing here?
Team: We want to sleep with you tonight..😊
Sun: Huh?🤨

(They all got on the bed.... The bed is quite large so all of them can squeeze in.. They all slept happily hugging each other.... The next morning they boarded their flight and Came to Thailand...)

Next day at Theerapanyakun Family

(All the members are staying together in Major family's Mansion....

(2.30am outside the Mansion)

Mos: Hey check is Daisy has texted...
Payu: Yeah she has texted....
Pai: Everyone has gone to sleep...
Win: Let's get inside then...
Vee: Let's go...

(They go inside and silently make their way towards the stairs but suddenly..)

Kinn: Where do you think you are going?

(They all stopped hearing the sound..)

Chay: Turn around....

(They turned around and saw all of  their parents standing there and Daisy was in Macao's arms.... He looked at them like saying Sorry.....)

Pai: Dad...Pa...
Porsche:(yelling)DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING!!!

(All of them startled as Porsche raised his voice on them... They all are looking down not facing their parents...)

Payu: We just went outside for a ride...
Kim: Ride?
Vegas: let me guess... Street circuit?

(They all became silent...)

Kinn: And you Pharm... You don't ride right? Then why did you go with them?
Chay:(angry)R u going to say or not?
Pharm: I like watching them...
Pete:(sigs😮‍💨) Do u think we don't know that you guys have been coming home late recently....😒😒

(They all look at Daisy...)

Porsche: Don't look at him.... He didn't tell us...
Kinn: we are your parents we know you guys😏😏
Vegas: Brats....

(They all look at Tankun giving him puppy eyes.. as if asking to help them...)

Tankun: How dare you guys come home late?

(They all look at Tankun and he winks  😉 at them...)

Tankun: If you dare do it again I'll break your legs... Understood? And next time if you guys are going to be late let
Everyone: Yes...
Tankun: Okay... It's late... Go to your room now.... Take Daisy with you...

(Mos came and picked Daisy from Pol's hand and all of them rushed to their room...)

Kim: You are spoiling them...
Khun: They are my children of course I'll spoil them.... Moreover you guys were more trouble than them in their age....(mocking 😏)
Vegas: Let's go and sleep....

(Everyone goes to their room...)

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