chapter -23

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(Next day At J company..... Sun was in her office going through the files when someone came into the Room suddenly...)

Sun: Jake? When did you came back?
Jake: Last night.... I wanted to give you a surprise so I came in the morning...

(Sun hugged Jake and they both sat on the couch in the office...)

Sun: How are you doing?
Jake: I'm good...
Sun: Have you completed your studies....
Jake: Yes... Thank you P'Sun.... If it weren't for you... I would have never benn able to achieve my dream....
Sun: What did Uncle say?
Jake: He... He said he is proud of me...

(Tears filled Jake's eyes.... Sun hugged him from the side and patted his back and let him cry....)

Sun: See I told you he will be proud of you...
Jake: I'm so happy now....
Sun: So have you decided what to do next?
Jake: I'm... I think I'll take over the company... I hope you won't fell bad...
Sun: Feel bad? I'm happy kid... You don't know how busy I'm dealing with 2-3 companies and Studies together... I will be relieved.... And from the start I told you... I'll help you with the company once you are back I'll give it back to you...
Jake: Actually I'm not in a hurry....😅
Sun: But I am... Since you are new in this field... I'll help you until you are ready... Okay?
Jake: Thank you.... You are the best...

(Sun gets a call....)

Sun: Hlo Rain...
Rain: Hia... When wil you be back home?
Sun: In the evening.... Why? Do you need anything?
Rain: No I was just asking.... Since tomorrow we don't have class... I was thinking we could have some drinks and watch a movie tonight....
Sun: I'm okay... Then I'll get some snacks and drinks for you....
Rain: Actually Paris is going to the mall in a while... She will get the drinks and all. Can you pick her up from there?
Sun: Okay... Tell her to call me once she is done....
Rain: Okay Hia... I'll hung up then... you...
Sun: you....

(Ends the call)

Jake: Who was it?
Sun: Rain...
Jake: How is Mark?
Sun: Good... What about you?
Jake: I'm good... I'm sad that he isn't interested in me but it's okay...
Sun: Like I told you he has someone he likes... So you should also find one for you....
Jake: I hope I'll find someone soon....

(Later they both worked together and Sun tought Jake many things.... Jake notices that Sun has been looking at her phone in Between a lot...)

Jake: Is everything okay?
Sun: What do you mean?
Jake: you have been looking at your phone for a long time...
Sun: Am I? It's nothing....
Jake:(smirks 😏) Really? Are you waiting for a call from someone special?
Sun: Shut up and focus in work....

(Suddenly the Phone rings and Sun takes it hurriedly and answers... Jake smiles seeing Sun's reaction...)

Jake: So you was it?
Sun: Just a friend...
Jake: Friend? Is she cute?
Sun: Shut up!
Jake:(worried)You are behaving strange.... If you don't like her... Don't give her hope.. you know it will hurt really bad....
Sun:I know.... I have to leave now.... You take care of the rest... If there is any doubt call me...
Jake: Okay...Bye...

(Sun left the office and went to the location Paris sent her..... She parked her car in front of a Mall and saw Paris... Sun got out of the car and helped Paris with the bags and both of them got in the car and went back to their house... Throughout the drive Paris tried to make conversations but Sun just tried to reply in a word or two.... Then they reached home and Sun carried all the bags into the house.... She saw everyone sitting in the living room and she placed the bags inside....)

Sun: I'll go and take a shower first...
Sky: We will get everything ready then...

(Sun went to her room....)

Rain: So how did it go?
Paris: Not good....
Mos: What happened?
Paris: She seems to be in a bad mood... I tried to talk but she just replied in a word or two...
Payu: Maybe she is stressed because of the work....
Bank: This won't do.... We have to get you guys close...
Team: I have an idea but we will need help from Mark and P'Vee...
Vee&Mark: Us?

(Team smiles at them...)

Mark:(scared) I know this creepy smile... It must be something werid I'm sure....
Team: Listen to me first....

(Team explained the Plan... And...)

Mark: No fucking way!!!
Bank: It's not that of a big deal.... Just do it for Hia...
Win: What about you Vee?
Vee: I...

(Vee looks at Mark and sees how angry he is about this plan... But Vee doesn't want to lose this chance....)

Vee: I'm okay....
Dean: Then what do you say Mark?

(Everyone looks at Mark hopefully and in the end Mark gives up and agrees to their plan....)

(So as planned.... They got everything ready for the movie night and they laid the mat on the floor and got the drinks and snacks ready.... Sun came down and saw that they got everything ready...)

Sun: Why did you laid a mat infront of the couch..? Can't you just sit on the couch....?
Team: It's my idea... It's great to sit like this and watch movies....
Sun: really?🤨🤨

(After that everyone sat on the mat... All the husbands sat extended their legs and the wife got on the lap and leaned on their chest..... Like laying on top of them...)

Mark: Hey... What about us? All of the couples are clinging like this...
Vee: Come here...

(Vee pulls Mark and makes him sit on his lap and lay him on his chest... Mark blushes because of their touch....)

Team: Ohh.. it's just Paris and Hia left.... Paris you can sit in Hia's lap.... She won't mind...
Sun:(confused) wait...what?
Bank: Come on Hia... It's just a matter of time... And it's not a big deal right.... We all have sat on your lap and you guys sleep together....
Sun: Fine...

(Everyone smiles because their plan worked and... Paris went towards  Sun and sat on her and Sun gently laid her on her chest.... Then the movie started and everyone enjoyed the movie... Sun sniffs Paris...)

Sun: What perfume do you use?
Paris: I don't use perfume....
Sun: But there is a sweet smell on you...
Payu: Dad aslo says that... But it's not perfume... It's from her body....
Pai: Yeh... She doesn't use perfume....
Team: I don't smell anything....
Sun: Just focus on the Movie....

(After a while the movie ended and they saw that Sun was sleeping....)

Bank: Don't wake her...
Pai: Why?
Mark: You guys know that she doesn't sleep right?
Rain: She rarely falls asleep for an hour or two....
Sky: Just let her rest.... Paris you should go to bed now...
Paris: But what if when I try to get up she wakes up...
Payu: But can you sleep like this?
Vee: Just say that you want to sleep on top of her😏😏
Paris: Yes...I want to... Now you guys...go back to your rooms... don't be a third wheel....😤😤
Win: Yeh let's go....

(They went to their room and Paris slept on Top of Sun.... After a while Sun woke up and she realised there was something on top of her.... She looked at the cute face and caresses... A smile formed on Sun's face.... Sun gently carried Paris to the room and made her lay on the bed... She then lay beside her and kept staring at the sleeping beauty... She then pulled her close and hugged her.... Paris snuggled close to Sun....)

Sun: Please don't do this to me... I can't have you.... I shouldn't have you.... Don't make it hard for me... Sorry for hurting you but find someone else and be happy... I'll always protect you....

(She placed a kiss on her forehead and lay there for some more time and then she got up and took her laptop and continues working....)

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