chapter -29

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Sun's POV

I don't know why but I never felt this relaxed in a long time... I tried to move but there was something heavy on my chest... I opened my eyes but my vision was blurry... After blinking a few times my vision got clear and I saw the most beautiful view... Paris was sleeping on top of me hugging me... She was pouting in her sleep... I chuckled seeing her... I caressed her cheek... Seeing her beautiful face made all my worries vanish... I felt peaceful.... I've never ever felt like this.... I gently moved her from me and made her comfortable in the bed.... I went to the bathroom and took a shower... I wore a black crop tank top and a white shorts.... I didn't bother to dry my hair and went in front of the mirror.. I looked at myself briefly.. The tattoos on my belly, shoulder, the ones on my back everything showed the darkness in me.... mostly my eyes... They were filled with darkness... The mirror showed the devil I am And I looked at the angel sleeping on my bed... I went close to her... She was still sleeping... Do I deserve you? This question kept coming into my mind.... I don't know what to say....I placed a kiss on her head and went out... I went downstairs to the kitchen but I stopped by the dining table when I saw the people having their dinner... Everyone was here... I looked at my boys... They all pretended like they didn't see me... These assholes... I told them not to inform my parents.... I've to punish them... I was busy glaring at them but stopped when I got smacked in my head... I looked at my side and saw Pa'Type staring at me...

Author's POV

Type smacked Sun's head and she looked at him... Her eyes which were glaring at the guards a few seconds ago turned soft like a kid who is in front of his mother ready to get scolded.....

Sea: Don't you dare stare at him....

Sea came to save Ein and the others... They smiled looking at Sun and Sun glared at them again and they got terrified but Sun got another smack from Type...

Type: Didn't you hear? Don't scare them... Boys if she yells at you guys or punished you... Come and tell me... I'll deal with her...
Po: Okay done..

They nodded their heads aggressively.... Sun wanted to yell at them but a glare from Sea she shut her mouth....

Tharn: Where is Paris?
Sun: Sleeping....
Pete: You must be hungry.... Come and have dinner with us...

Sun looked at everyone and her eyes landed at Vegas... He was looking at her gently....

Vegas: Come and have a seat....

Sun went and joined them....

Chay: Your hair is wet... You'll get sick ..
Sun: It's okay... It'll dry in a while....
Porsche: Yu... Can you get me a towel?
Yu: Sure Khun...

Yu gave the towel to Porsche and Porsche went to Sun and started drying her hair.... Sun was silent.... Others were having their food and talking in between.... After Porsche was done... He patted her head and went back to his seat... Sun was not eating... She was just playing with her food....

Kinn: Why aren't you eating?
Sun: What are you guys doing here?
Kim: What are we doing here? We are here for you of course...
Khun: And to meet your handsome boys too....

Khun winked at the boys and they chuckled... Top cleared his throat and Khun stopped staring at them and stuffed his mouth with food....

Sun: I...I thought you guys don't want to see me....

Sun lowed her head not looking at anyone... Everyone stopped eating and looked at her...

Pete: Why would you think that?
Sun: Because of who I really am.... I'm the daughter of the person who hurt you...

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