chapter -26

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(Later at Rain's room... Rain opened the door and saw that the lights were off... He went inside looking for the person.... He saw someone on the balcony sitting on the floor while hugging his legs... Rain went to him... He knelt down.... He gently puts his hand on the other person's head and caresses it.... Payu looked up... He locked eyes with Rain.... Tears were flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.... Rain has never seen him helpless like this... He hugged Payu... Payu let out all his emotions.... He tightly hugged him and cried his heart out.... Rain then took Payu to bed... Made him lay on his chest and gently caressed Payu's hair....)

Payu: She hates me.... Because of me she suffered all these years... My sister...
she.....she... While I had a beautiful childhood she was suffering... I...I...I will never be able to forgive myself for it...
Rain: Phii... Didn't you hear her... She said she hated you not that she hates you... And it's not your was her parents who separated you guys and made her suffer....  If she hated you or any of your family she would have wiped out every one of you but instead she saved you and your family each time.... Did you forget? Last time we went out with our families and we were attacked... You were shot... She killed his whole family.... She doesn't hate you Phiii... You are her brother and will always be....

(Hearing Rain's words Payu felt good.. he realised it was true...)

Payu: Thank you Rain... I love you..
Rain: I love you too P'Payu...

(Meanwhile at the Vegas Pete room... Vegas was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling... Pete lay down beside him and kept looking at him...)

Vegas: Do you think she will forgive me?
Pete: You didn't know Vegas... No one did... She is a smart kid... She understands that...
Vegas: If...
Pete: Everything already happened...  It's the past now and There is no "If" Vegas... We should think about our present and future....
Vegas: Thank you Pete.. thank you for always being by my side...
Pete: You are my husband Vegas... The one I love... I will always be by your side... About Sun and Paris...?
Vegas: If they love each other I won't oppose thir relationship...

(Next morning... Everyone is gathered for breakfast... No one's talking... At last Tharn breaks the silence....)

Tharn: Sun never hated any one of you...

(All of them looked at Tharn...)

Tharn: When she asked us not to let you know... We asked her why she wanted to do it...
Jimmy: She said that... You guys don't know about her and she wanted you guys to give all your love to her brother....
Sea: She didn't want any of you to know it because she thought you guys may blame yourself for what happened.... She didn't want you guys to feel like that....
Type: She was going to hide this forever.... But then....

(Type looked at Paris.... So did the others...)

Sea: She didn't want to keep it from you... She knew that if she kept it from you... Then it means she is betraying your feelings...
Type: The truth... I know it hurts you guys... But it hurts her more than anything just to remember those memories...
Tharn: She loves you guys... She will never hate any of you...
Jimmy: She became strong to protect her loved ones... Her family... You have always been a family to her... You guys may not know... But ever since she got a place in this field (mafia) She has been protecting you guys...
Tharn: So don't blame yourself for the past...

(The tense and uncomfortable atmosphere got better after their talk....)

Mos: So what's next?
Vegas: Paris what do you say?
Paris: I loved her... Since the first time I saw her... I knew I had fallen for her... I tried many ways for her to notice me and like me... But each time she ignored me... She pushed me away... It hurt me... Each time it hurts like hell... But I didn't stop trying... After knowing her relationship with our family... I... I am confused...why did it have to be like this? Can't we be two people who fall in love with each other just like everyone else? Why do things between us have to be so complicated?

(Paris started crying with each word....)

Pete: It's not complicated like you think dear...
Sea: it really isn't....

(They all looked at Paris with love and care)

Vegas: If you guys love each other... No one Will stop you guys because of the blood relation...
Porsche: look at me and Kinn... Although we are not blood related we are sort of cousins... But that didn't stop us from loving each other....
Kinn: He is right princess.. Just follow your heart..
Chay: Not just them... Me and P'Kim are the same...
Kim: Be with the one you love Princess...
Khun: We love you and we will always support you..
Top: So what do you say?
Pai: Do you love her?

(There was silence after he asked this question)

Paris: I...I do...
Tay: So that's it.. tell her once she is back...
Time: When is she coming?
Net: Almost after 2 weeks...
Dean: She is going to be their leader...
Bank: It will take time to deal things...
Mark: I have something to tell you guys...

(Everyone looked at Mark who was looking seriously at others...)

Macao: What is it dear?
Mark: I have a feeling that Something is gonna happen...
Arm: It may be because of the things that happened yesterday...
Mark: It's not like that...I don't know how to explain...
Type: Each time he felt like this... Something happens...
Tharn: I think we should stay together for the time being....
Kim: let's tighten our security...
Pete: Kids stay here... With us...
Dean: Okay...
Payu: Will she be okay?

(Everyone looked at Payu... Everyone was worried about her...)

Kinn: She is strong she will be okay...
Sea: She has been the immortal one... She will be fine...
Tharn: I'll try to contact her...
Net: Me too....

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