chapter -2

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(Author:- I've changed Paris Major into Architecture...)

(1st day at the University.... Architecture department...)

Sun: I'll meet you guys later okay?
Rain: Okay...
Sky: Byee... We will go and register now...

(Rain and Sky Leaves and Sun turns around and leaves...)

(Paris is walking towards the Architecture department and she tripped on something and was about to fall in the ground but suddenly someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her close... She realizes it's a girl and looks at her face..)

Paris:(OMG!! She looks so beautiful... She looks like a goddess 😍😍... But her face looks a bit familiar...)
Sun: Kid.. you okay?
Paris: Yeh I'm fine thankyou...
Sun: Then can you let go my shirt...

(Then Paris realises that Sun had let go of her and she was grabbing her shirt...)

Paris: Sorry... I...
Sun: it's okay... You should go now... Or else you will be late...

(Sun leaves after saying this to her.. Payu sees Paris looking in a direction and goes to her..)

Payu: What are you looking at?
Paris: You scared me... I'm looking at a goddess...
Payu: Goddess?

( Paris explains what happened...)

Paris: I think I fell for her....
Payu: What? U just met her for a second and u fall in love?
Paris: Haven't you hear of love at 1st sight?
Payu: But.. from the way you described her... I don't think I have seen someone like her in the university....
Paris: Don't worry I'll find her...
Payu: First go and register then we can go and find her....
Paris: ohh...I forgot... Okay let's go....

(In the business facility...)

Pharm: Excuse me... Is it the 1st year registration?
Team: Yes... Come on...
Pharm: Hi.. I'm Pharm... 1st year business student...
Team: I'm Team... And this is Mark we are also 1st year's and this is P'Dean our older brother he is 3rd year business student....

(Pharm keeps looking at Dean... So does Dean...)

Pharm:(he looks so handsome...) Hii...
Dean: Hii.... You guys carry on with your registration I'll go now... Meet you guys later bye....
Mark: Byee.....

(Meanwhile... Bank is looking for his classroom and decides to ask someone about the direction.. he sees a guy Looking at his direction in a distance and decides to ask him...)

Bank: Excuse me... Do you know where the 2nd year business classroom is??
Mos: Do you have a boyfriend?
Bank: huh?🤨🤨
Mos: You look so cute and pretty... I wonder if you have a boyfriend... If not do you consider being my boyfriend? I have never seen you before are you a transfer student??

(Bank turns around and leaves... But he suddenly grabs his hand..)

Mos: Hey... Are you rejecting me..?
Bank: what do you think?😠
Mos: Ohh... Are you angry? You look cute when you are angry....
Bank: (laughs) Let me tell you something.... You are not my type... I like men who are manly 😉😉
Mos:🔥 are you saying I'm not Manly?
Bank: you know what I am saying... I thought you are stupid... Idiot...

(Bank frees his hand and leaves...)

Mos: You are pretty interesting... You messed with the worng person Kitty... I'll make you mine....🔥😏😏

(During Registration... Payu and his friends are dealing with registration)

Payu: So 1st years... Come and sign and take your ID cards....

(One by one Everyone came and signed...)

Payu: Rain!!?

(Payu is shocked to see Rain and Sky...)

Rain: Hi.. P'Payu...
Sky: Hi.. P'Payu...
Paris: Do you know then hia?
Payu: Finish your registration I'll introduce you guys....

(Payu keeps looking at Rain...)

Payu: (You are back... It's so good to see you again... I'm sorry Rain for what I did to you... Will you forgive me? Let's be friends again Rain...)

(After registration)

Payu: This is Rain and Sky... They were my juniors in high school.... And this is Paris my younger sister...
Paris: Nice to meet you guys... We are classmates from now on...
Rain: It's nice to meet you too..
Sky: Nice to have a friend on the 1st day at University...
Payu: Rain.... You seem to have changed...
Rain: Everyone change P'....🙂

(In 3rd year business classroom)

Guy1: Hey... Pai you are here...
Pai: What's up guys?😏
Guy2: Hey look over there... We have a beauty in our class
Pai: Beauty?
Guy3: yeah she is a transfer student.. she is hot....
Pai: What's her name?
Guy2: Sun... Look there she is...
Pai:(ohh... She is indeed a beauty... But she looks a bit like Payu... Do all the good looking guys look similar??) Sun😏😏 let me go and get to know her....
Guy1: you really are a Playboy Pai...
Pai: Ohh...took you time to realise it 😏😉

(Pai approaches Sun)

Pai: Hey beautiful... What are you doing?
Sun:(cold) Can you see?

(Not looking at Pai and replying)

Pai:(ohh.. playing hard to get😏...) Hii I'm Pai... What's your name..?
Sun: Sun...
Pai: Ohh... Our name are so unique.. don't you think... My name means wind and yours Sun...
Sun: (cold)So?
Pai: Nothing I was just saying....
Sun: If you are done.. can you leave?
Pai: Are you pushing me away?
Sun: What do you think?
Pai: are you free this afternoon... Let me treat you to a meal... Or we could go out for a date.... What do you say?😏😏
Sun: Not intrested...
Dean: Sun....

(Sun looks at him and Smiles...)

Sun: I have saved you a spot...
Dean: Thank you....
Pai: Who are you?
Dean: Who are you?
Pai: I'm Pai... Sun's boyfriend..
Dean: Ohh... I'm Dean... Her cousin and her fiancee...
Pai: What?
Sun:(cold and scary)Pai...  You heard him... Moreover I'm not interested in Playboys....

(Pai gets a bit scared by her voice... And he leaves... Pai goes to his friends and tell his what happened and they start laughing)

Guy2: It's 1st time you are getting rejected by someone....🤣🤣
Pai:(it's not the 1st time... Why am I thinking about him suddenly..)
Guy3: Hey look...

Sun: Well done...
Dean: Thanks.... Here's your lolipop...
Sun: You went to get this?
Dean: You like them don't you?
Sun: Thanks 😊😊

Guy2: Both of them seems to be really close.... I think he is indeed her fiancee..
Guy1: yeh... After coming to the class she was sitting there like a cold statue but after seeing him she is smiling at him...
Pai: I'm not interested in people who are taken...
Guy1: yeah right...
Pai:(Y am I still thinking about him? Is he fine? Where is he now?)

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